
iRiparo has developed a highly efficient concept which ensures long term competitive advantage in the booming consumer electronics repair market (notably smartphones and tablets) and a platform for Hi Tech and accessories sales.
How do we do this? By providing LOCAL service centres where users can go to obtain an immediatesolution for a broken machine, usually while they wait, instead of going through the complicated andlengthy process of returning them to the manufacturer or supplier. Furthermore, 90% of customersare not e-shop consumers for repairs, so local physical presence is essential.
Efficient service, express reapirs and a varied product/accessory range, coupled with an attractive, clean and modern design for the stores guarantee customer satisfaction and success for the store.Where is the proof? We launched the concept one year ago in Italy and already havea flourishing franchise network of 80 stores! So the concept is no longer just a concept, it's a realityThis incredible success story can and will be replicated across Europe and is already penetratingFrance, Switzerland, Spain and Belgium. This is a unique opportunity for investors.

For more information click here

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