If your hobbies include pasta, wine, gelato, pasta and pasta, boy are you in for a treat soon.
Next year, Eataly, the international Italian food hall brand, will open its London flagship in the City.
Similar to its 35 sister sites across New York, Moscow, Munich and São Paulo, the 42,000 sq ft food hall will host restaurants, bars, an onsite production laboratory and a cooking school. Which basically means there’ll be enough cured meats, smoked cheese, olive oils and ciabatta to sink Boaty McBoatface. Twice.
The London HQ will be based in Broadgate, inside central London’s largest pedestrianised neighbourhood – great news for when you’re stumbling to the tube after a few large glasses of vino.
The business idea was initially inspired by Borough Market, but what sets it apart is its Italianness. At its core, the concept is ‘Italian living room, just bigger.’
Everything you need, from samples to recipe books, will be available under one roof, so there’s no need to dash to Waterstones to buy ‘Spaghetti for Dummies’ or get into a fistfight when trying to get your Piedmont truffles through customs.
By late 2019, Crossrail is also expected to open the brand spanking new Broadgate station – making ‘The Boot’ even closer for those coming from away.
We’re tortellini in love with this idea.
By Jess Phillips
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