
The association called International Association of Franchise Professionals – IAFP -  is as non profit and a non political association which was established on March 18th 2012 in Paris Franchise Expo and permanent address in Rieti (Italy), torre C-4°piano, Centro Commerciale Perseo,  regulated by Articles 36 of the Italian Civil Code.


BROCHURE: IAFP_Brand4Baltic 2013

Organization Chart

Federico Fiorentini

 federico fiorentiniFirst President, Chairman for Italy

With an outstanding business experience of over 20 years Mr. Federico Fiorentini is the Founder and General Manager of BRD Consulting. As a very successful entrepreneur, manager and business consultant he developed an extensive business communication network including hundreds of business contacts all over the world and is a very important reference point for national and international companies. As Export Manager he started his professional career in the food industry and developed the international brand “IL FORNAIO” in the USA supporting the launch of hundreds of Shops, Retail Centres, Supermarkets and Hypermarkets. In addition to the development of national supermarkets Federico assisted numerous important brands in order to achieve their successful business expansion especially in Russia, Serbia, Spain, Germany, France and Italy. Furthermore, he worked as Development Manager for the following German multinational enterprises: Tengelman Group, Plus Discount and Obi. Moreover, he was Project Leader in the development of retail chains in Italy and abroad for the following brands: H3G, Wind Telecommunications, Buffetti, Prenatal, Oviesse, Pastarito-Cir food, Artistic of Antica Gelateria del Corso, Nestlé, Gabrielli, GS group Carrefour, Todis, Conad and other major brands. In addition, he negotiated licenses for new offices in several countries including German, Spain, Russia, Singapore, Jordan, Ukraine, Romania, Serbia, Belarus and Italy. He also conducted Management Training courses, University Masters, Post-Graduation courses and Marketing trainings at ASCOM ConfCommercio in Italy. Federico is currently Director and Professor at the University for International Retail Management and the European University in Rome.

Leggi tutto: Organization Chart



The objectives of the International Association of Franchise Professionals – IAFP are the on going unbiased and scientific study of franchising in every respect, the co-ordination of its members' actions, and the promotion of the franchise industry in general and of its members' interests. The Association’s informational and ethical objectives will be met principally in the following manner including:

Leggi tutto: Objectives

Association Statute

Association Statute   

Article 1 - Constitution

  1. The association called International Association of Franchise Professionals – IAFP -  is as non profit and a non political association which was established on March 18th 2012 in Paris Franchise Expo and permanent address in Rieti (Italy), torre C-4°piano, Centro Commerciale Perseo,  regulated by Articles 36 of the Italian Civil Code...

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IAFP: 23 of the most important world experts in Franchise and Retail

IAFP: 23 of the most important world experts in Franchise and Retail from the countries below are ready to assit you through franchise and retails projects, international expansion, and worldwide franchise and business opportunities. 
If you are looking for the best support ever, please contact us!


IAFP: 23 talentoso Franchise & Retail Gerentes

IAFP: 23 talentoso Franchise & Retail Gerentes de Australia a Rusia están dispuestos a ayudarle a través de exposiciones, eventos publicaciones, desarrollo comercial. 
Por favor, póngase en contacto con nosotros, vamos a explicar nuestra red y todas las oportunidades de negocio!



IAFP: 23 dos mais proeminentes consultores de Franquia e Varejo

IAFP: 23 dos mais proeminentes consultores de Franquia e Varejo, deste Australia até a Russia, incluindo o Brasil estão prontos para auxiliar você através de participações nas principais feiras no mundo, e do desenvolvimento de projetos de varejo e franquia.
Por favor nos contate e nós vamos colocar à sua disposição nossa rede de suporte e todas as possibilidade de negócio!



IAFP: 23 из самых важных мировых специалистов в Франчайзинг и в розницу

IAFP: 23 профессиональных менеджеров по вопросам развития франчайзинга и розничной торговли от Австралии до России готовы оказать поддержку Вашему бизнесу: участие в выставках, размещение информации в профильных изданиях, развитие розничной сети. Свяжитесь с нами, чтобы узнать подробнее о наших услугах и возможностях для Вашего бизнеса!



IAFP: 23 талентован Франшиза & Ретаил Менаџери

ИАФП: 23 талентован Франшиза & Ретаил Менаџери из Аустралије до Русије су спремни да вам помогну кроз изложбе, публикације догађаји, развој малопродаје.
Молимо Вас да нас контактирате, ми ћемо објаснити нашу мрежу и све могућности за бизнис!



IAFP: 23 talentovan Franšiza & Retail Menadžeri

IAFP: 23 talentovan Franšiza & Retail Menadžeri iz Australije do Rusije su spremni da vam pomognu kroz izložbe, publikacije događaji, razvoj maloprodaje. Molimo Vas da nas kontaktirate, mi ćemo objasniti našu mrežu i sve mogućnosti za biznis!



IAFP: 23 utalentowanych menedżerów Franchise & Retail

IAFP: 23 utalentowanych menedżerów Franchise & Retail z Australii do Rosji są gotowi pomóc poprzez wystawy, publikacje wydarzenia, rozwój handlu detalicznego. Skontaktuj się z nami, będziemy wyjaśniać naszą sieć i wszystkie możliwości dla biznesu!



IAFP: 23 talentierte Franchise & Retail Manager

IAFP: 23 talentierte Franchise & Retail Manager von Australien bis Russland sind bereit, Sie bei Ausstellungen, Publikationen, Veranstaltungen und Ihrer Einzelhandelsentwicklung zu unterstützen.
Kontaktieren Sie uns, wir werden Ihnen unser Netzwerk und alle Möglichkeiten für Ihr Geschäft vorstellen 



IAFP: 23 getalenteerde Franchise & Retail Managers

IAFP: 23 getalenteerde Franchise & Retail Managers van Australië tot Rusland staan klaar u te helpen met expansie via beurzen, evenementen en ontwikkeling.
Gelieve ons te contacteren om verdere informatie omtrent ons netwerk en de business opportuniteiten te bekomen.



IAFP: 23 tra i più importanti esperti mondiali nel Franchising & Retail

IAFP: 23 tra i più importanti esperti mondiali nel franchising e retail da paesi elencati, sono pronti ad assistervi attraverso la partecipazione a  fiere, eventi e pubblicazioni relativamente i vostri progetti di espansione internazionale e valutando sia opportunità di franchising che di retail diretto in tutto il mondo.
Se stai cercando il miglior supporto, non esitate a contattarci!


من خبراء العالم الأكثر أهمية في الامتياز والتجزئة           :IAFP 23

من خبراء العالم الأكثر أهمية في الامتياز والتجزئة من البلدان أدناه هي :IAFP 23

على استعداد لمساعدتكم من خلال الانتخاب وتجارة تجزئة المشاريع، والتوسع الدولي، والإمتياز وفرص العمل في جميع أنحاء العالم.

إذا كنت تبحث عن أفضل دعم من أي وقت مضى، يرجى الاتصال بنا!

 bandiera francese

IAFP: 23 parmis les plus importants experts mondiaux dans le secteur " Franchising & Retail"

IAFP: 23 parmis les plus importants experts mondiaux dans le secteur de la FRANCHISE et du RETAIL référencés, qui sont prêts à vous assister à travers leur participation dans différents Salons Internationaux, évènements et publications relatifs à vos projets;
Si vous êtes à la recherche d'un solide partenaire, n'hésitez ps à nous contacter!

Bandiera Turchia


IAFP: Dünyada franchise ve perakende sektörünün önde gelen 23 uzmanı

IAFP: Aşağıda detaylı bilgileri yer alan farklı ülkelerden Franchise ve Perakende sektörünün dünyadaki en önemli 23 uzmanı, franchise ve perakende projelerinizde, uluslar arası büyüme planlarınızda ve dünya genelinde iş fırsatlarında size yardımcı olacak ve sizi yönlendirecekler.
Eğer en etkin desteği arıyorsanız, lütfen bizimle iletişime geçin!

Bandiera Giappone


IAFP: 23名の世界有数のフランチャイジングとリテールの専門家集団

IAFP: 以下の国々で活躍する世界トップクラスの23名のフランチャイジングとリテールのエキスパートが、フランチャイズやリテールのプロジェクト、グローバル展開、及び海外におけるフランチャイズやビジネス機会に関するサポートをさせていただきます。是非お気軽にご相談ください。


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