Franchising, retail, business
"You need to build a journey for every single one of your customers," Neil Capel, CEO and founder of site personalisation tool Sailthru, warned the audience at WIRED Retail.
Capel recalled growing up in his father's greengrocers, where every customer had their own unique story, likes and dislikes. "He would build relationships with every single one, and realised the value of relationships. It's why consumers still came back even though supermarkets had cheaper prices."
Capel's father held that database of infinitely useful knowledge in his head. "That's power," said Capel. "And knowing what to do with that data, is a super power."
Through Sailthru, Capel wants every business that "can't have that fact to face interaction" to hold on to and capitalise on the unique data every customer is giving them everyday. The greatest barrier to this, is that all that data is in silos, stuck in different parts of the business. Sailthru works to tie all that data together to react on a company's website, email alerts or other channels.
Capel argues the customer doesn't know what they are interested in -- it's the retailer's responsibility to make inferences on what they might buy next, based on behaviour. This will include where they spend most time on the site, what time of day they logon, and how they interact with standalone apps or engage with email alerts.
Holding on to those customers that plug the most revenue back into the store, and not deterring them with too many alerts or not enough, is vital. Capel cites Gartner Group statistics that show 80 percent of a company's future revenue will come from 20 percent of existing customers, while Bain and Co points that a five percent increase in customer retention can increase a company's profitability by 75 percent.
I want everyone to predict the future," said Capel. "And we're being able to identify that now. If you know 80 percent of your revenue will be created by 20 percent of your customers, doesn't that change the way you reach out to the consumer base?"
Sailthru will help track every single interaction between the brand and customer, whether active or passive, to help calculate predictions on whether an individual will make a purchase in the next 24 hours or 30 days.
Through all these tools, Capel argues companies can now have "that same face to face interaction" his father had with his customers.
"What if you know they are going to buy tomorrow? What if they will disengage or unsubscribe tomorrow if you send one more email? The answers are here and they are algorithmically driven and we have to get comfortable with that approach. It's about giving consumers what they want -- then they will always come back."