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Eight MENA Professionals Tell What They Love About Their Jobs











No job is perfect – even the best of relationships have their down days. We all have to do things we don’t like. I love working at, it’s one of the best jobs I’ve ever had. But even I have “off” days where I’m not spending all my time doing things I absolutely love.

While 60.8% of professionals in the MENA feel they are not well-compensated at work, 93.7% still say their job is meaningful to them (as per the ‘Work Satisfaction in the MENA‘ poll, November 2012).

In an attempt to understand why MENA professionals feel so fond of their jobs (according to the same poll, 83% feel challenged in their jobs), asked eight professionals to share the reasons why they love what they do. These were their answers:

Cassey OliveiraCassey Oliveira, Senior Reporter at Adabisc Future Qatar:

“Every career path that you choose exposes you to new experiences, and you learn a lot this way. As a journalist, there’s a lot of pressure to be well-informed about current happenings — not just locally, but internationally as well. I wasn’t a great follower of newspapers or news channels before, but now I have realized the importance of these. At times, you are given an assignment that may be outside your comfort zone, and that’s the best challenge you can give yourself! I am not a desk-job person. I like the fact that my job requires me to be out on the field sometimes, meeting new people in the process. I am not a very talkative person either; I guess I make a better listener. Perhaps that’s why I enjoy interviewing people, and writing about their lives and stories.”

Yamen Al-HajYamen Al-Haj, Head of Production at LIVEmena:

“I love my job because everyday is a new challenge for me. I manage a team of developers and several projects at the same time, so I always have to come up with innovative ideas that meet — and exceed — the needs of our clients. This, for me, is at the core of why I enjoy doing what I do.”

Ronza AyoubRonza Ayoub, Senior Community Manager at Leo Burnett Jordan:

“From pitches to deadlines and presentations, agency life is pretty much the same everywhere, but at Leo Burnett there’s a little extra fun with a dash of crazy ideas. As “Burnetters” we are encouraged by the management to show our personality and celebrate our individuality. We believe that creativity has the power to transform human behavior, and once you enter the office you can feel the energy buzz all around the place. My job is exciting, but my company is what makes it even more exciting!”

Shiva SinghShiva Singh, Social Media Marketing Specialist at Ooredoo:

“Why do I love my job? Well, three things can sum it up: 1. The Role: Being a technology geek — and with my love for all things digital — social media is a passion and working in digital marketing just makes my job an awesome experience. 2. The Team: The people I work with are nothing short of amazing; they’re enthusiastic, fun to work with, and form a great team that help me, and the whole organization, do really good things. It makes “work” a lot more fun. 3. The Leaning: If you can’t remember the last time you learnt something new, then you’re in the wrong role. Luckily, I learn something new every day in my job. Social media is exciting and fresh. It allows you to get creative and do something different.”

Jamila Hyasat 

Jamila Hyasat, Web Designer at ITP Publishing Group:



 “Struggling between the logical and creative sides of my job is one of the most fabulous things that have ever happened to me! That’s why I’m so in love with being a UI/UX designer.”


Bashar KhatibBashar Khatib, Software Technologist at LIVEMena:

“When engineers finish their work they might ask you to check, feel or touch what they have created, but software engineers won’t ask these questions. Why? Simply because they work with “intangibles”, and that’s what I love about my job. For me, software engineering is a challenge; it starts with understanding the requirements – the cost and time estimations, and all other technical details required to deliver the final, intangible product. Challenges are my source of inspiration. Think about it, how can you build a solid product when you work with intangibles? Isn’t this a challenge?”

Eman SuheimatEman Suheimat, Marketing Communications Manager at UCMAS-Jordan:

“I’m a proud mother of two lovely daughters, a people-oriented and extremely sociable person. I’ve always been an avid supporter of children and women’s rights. I believe in creativity and thinking outside the box, and my job focuses on developing children’s thinking skills, while promoting their creativity and imagination, and boosting their confidence. That’s why I believe in what I do and absolutely love it!”

Moe ShawashMoey Shawash, Digital Creative at Leo Burnett Qatar:

“I love my job because it allows me to be as creative as I want. In my field, I am not judged or misunderstood; I’m surrounded with people who have the same passion as mine and understand the rather crazy ideas that I might come up with sometimes. Advertising is my life. It is a world apart — one that you just can’t get out of easily.”




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