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Design Exhibition in Milan promotes innovation, irony and practicality












The award for Best Installation at goes to ‘Delirious home’ is a design exhibition in Milan. It rotates about “promoting design as an event, a performance and an installation of the urban texture”. Delirious home is a playful interpretation of the concept of “smart home“, where furniture and props actively interact with the visitors.
Amongst other innovative ideas, the house contains a mirror that reflexes our image only when we look at it, and else it remains opaque; sofas that facilitate conversations; a clock on the wall that instead of telling the actual time, imitates the posture of your arms. According to the judging commission, the project was able to best suit conceptual aspects with visual impact, blending together irony, research and practicality.

The creators of this project are a group of students attending the Bachelor of Industrial Design and Media & Interaction Design from ECAL (Ecole Cantonale d’Art de Lausanne), School of Applied Arts in Lausanne. The association to assign Milano Design Award to ‘Delirious home’ was Elita Milano, the event planners who organized the Design Week Festival 2014.
The 9th edition of was successfully concluded with the award celebration, which took place at Parenti Theatre in Milan. The commission included journalists, designers and other professional figures in the field, such as Claudio Luti, chairman of Salone del Mobile Exhibition, Milan.
They have assigned other special prizes, such as Best Entertaining and Best Sound to Light is Time, by Citizens, the well-established Japanese watch company. Moreover, the Best Impact prize was assigned to Maarten Baas, a Dutch designer who recreated a circus-like environment. The Best Tech went to Timescapes, a project exploring the idea of time created by Logotel, a Milan-based service design company. To conclude, Internet Explorer assigned the Best Web Award to, a Swedish design of fabric for interior design.



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