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London is the world’s top attraction for tourists














More foreign tourists flocked  to London than any other city in  the world last year, new figures revealed today.
A total of 16.8 million people visited the capital — a rise of nine per cent — smashing the previous record of 15.6 million, set in 2006.
It means London overtakes Paris to become the world’s most popular destination.
More Americans visited London than tourists from any other country, with 1.88 million travelling to the capital, spending just over £1.5 billion.
The French came second, with 1.87 million visiting, followed by 1.34 million Germans.

Tourists have provided a huge boost to the capital’s economy, spending a record £11.26 billion on hotels, restaurants, attractions and shopping, according to the latest data from the Office for National Statistics.
Mayor of London Boris Johnson said: “These record-breaking  figures are a tribute to the outstanding mix of culture, art, music and sport to be found here and more is planned.
“With major international sporting events including the Rugby World Cup and the Tour de France and spectacular exhibitions at the Tate and the British Museum this year, it is clear that this wonderful city will not rest on its laurels.”
Tourism bosses said the growth in visitors was partly down to  the “showcase” effect of the Olympics in 2012, when images of London were beamed across the world. Kit Malthouse, chairman of London & Partners, the Mayor’s promotion body, said those watching the Games “saw a city beyond the  London they learned about in the history books”.
The capital’s profile has also been boosted by the wedding of Prince William and Kate Middleton in 2011, the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee in 2012 and the birth of Prince George last year.
Most major destinations on the tourist circuit said they had enjoyed a bumper year, helped by a warm summer and a weak pound, making London a cheaper destination.
Bernard Donoghue, director of the Association of Leading Visitor Attractions, said numbers were up 12 per cent on average.  The British Museum, London’s most popular single tourist destination, recorded a 20 per cent rise to 6.7 million visitors.
Mr Donoghue said: “It feels very, very healthy, the attractions did really well over Easter and the Bank Holiday.”
Paris recorded 15.7 million foreign visits in 2012, the latest year for which it has published figures.
An aide for Anne Hidalgo, the new Socialist mayor of the French capital, told the Standard: “The new British figures will be analysed, but they sound fanciful. Visitor numbers to Paris are impressive and unrivalled.”




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