Franchising, retail, business
28/05/2018 - Spread across two levels, the newly opened Miu Miu store in the extension to the Dubai Mall (which welcomed its first shoppers around two months ago) is the largest in the Prada sub-brand’s retail estate and is furnished entirely in light blue damask.
Chairs and carpet match this and the impression when entering is of a soft, but neutral space that offers a pleasant and non-distracting backdrop to the frequently jewel-like accessories, on the ground floor, and women’s fashions, on the upper level, that form the offer in this store.
Floor-to-ceiling mirrors and large perimeter graphics add to the sense of a contemporary environment and the whole is entirely in keeping with the luxury arm of this, the world’s largest shopping centre.
Prior to its arrival there was already a Miu Miu outpost, located in the Mall of the Emirates, but the new store puts the brand onto a different level in the Gulf.
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