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Bulgari opens new flagship store in Kuala Lumpur with new design concept

01Bulgari new store Kuala Lumpur 1

16/06/2018 - Bulgari has recently opened a new store in Kuala Lumpur in the heart of Bukit Bintang district For over a century, Bulgari has set the pace for Italian style with a forward-thinking, creative spirit that draws inspiration from the timeless beauty of Roman art, while giving it a contemporary aesthetic. Its distinctive architectural characteristics are also often reflected in the product designs, as seen from the iconic large and weighty gold links with interlocking steel style.

Bulgari’s new flagship store in Kuala Lumpur sees the Italian brand experimenting with new ways to convey the luxury brand’s heritage. Situated in the heart of Bukit Bintang district, Bulgari’s flagship store is executed from MVRDV’s well-considered design.

Netherlands based MVRDV is an architectural firm responsible for projects such as the Pushed Slab, a sustainable office building in Paris’ first eco-district and large scale urban masterplans in Bordeaux and Caen, France. MVRDV’s vision for Bulgari’s Kuala Lumpur Flagship Store sees a visage permeated with gold light, and a concrete structure with illuminated marble veins, visible on both the exterior and interior façades.

Bulgari’s via Condotti store in Rome. In the case for Bulgari Kuala Lumpur, the brand took a spin on the traditional materials by using rough concrete with resin veins, hence, illuminating from the inside. The result of this reinterpretation of materials created an organic effect on how the light will be cast in-store and on the façade: During the day, soft touch of radiance is presented to the street, while at night, a more dramatic effect is achieved with a warm amber glow.

This project marks the first in the series of MVRDV-designed façades for Bulgari. The marble design is an approach that offers endless possibilities that is equal part sophisticated and innovative. In MVRDV’s own words, this technique can be adopted globally, making the brand’s façades instantly recognizable across the world.



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