Franchising, retail, business


Ikea is opening a new store on Tottenham Court Road

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24/07/2018 - Furniture fans will soon be able to skip the long train ride and just head central

Swedish furniture giants Ikea have announced it will open its first city-based branch in Tottenham Court Road from autumn 2018.

The retailer’s latest brick and mortar store breaks from its traditional model by putting a focus on its digital offering, allowing for a more fluid way to browse rather than relying solely on wandering the aisles of boxed commerce and perfect showrooms.

The new store also marks a change in the retailer’s strategy, with the soon to open Tottenham Court Road store specialising in larger-scale home projects, with a particular focus on kitchens and wardrobes.

Explaining the change, Javier Quiñones, IKEA UK and Ireland Country Retail Manager reveals, “Urbanisation and inner-city living are trends that continue to dominate the market. By launching this new approach and investing in our online offer and services, we are working to ensure IKEA remains affordable, convenient and sustainable, both now and in the future.”

At the new Ikea you will be able to have a greater sense of what the items will look like when shopping online. Not sure about the colour of a countertop before you buy it? Just pop down to Tottenham Court Road come autumn and check it out for yourself.

So although there won't be meatballs, couples everywhere will now be able to argue much closer to the city centre while still saving big.

We think it might just be time to decorate again. Bring on the autumn.

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