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Seeds and Chips to discuss the future of food in Australia

01SeedsChips Australia 2019 1 620x372

15/09/2018 - A new partnership to raise the awareness of environmental issues and a strong innovation infrastructure

Seeds&Chips, The Global Food Innovation Summit the leading event on Ag and Food innovation worldwide is proud to launch a new partnership with The Victorian Government and Food + Wine Victoria, the non-profit organisation whose mission is to promote the development of the Australian food & beverage sector also through their well-established event the Melbourne Food & Wine Festival (MFWF).

Together, they are now organizing Global Table, a new internationally-food and agriculture focused business event that will be hosted in Melbourne, Victoria, on September 2019.

The partnership between Seeds&Chips and Food + Wine Victoria aims to position Australia as the destination for investors and traders to connect with business leaders from across the Asia-Pacific by bringing the Global Food Innovation Summit to life with its signature content driven programming including its world-renowned speakers, the conference, exhibition, pitch competitions, Give Me 5 and much more.

Together with the Specialty Food Association and its Fancy Food Shows in New York and San Francisco, Seeds&Chips is proud to include Australia among its major partners. Together with the United States, Australia represents a key partner for the continuous advancement of the global food system and a more sustainable future for all. Possible other international connections will follow concerning strategic countries such as China and Africa.

Founder & Chairman of Seeds&Chips Marco Gualtieri said, “We are so pleased to announce our presence in Australia next year. Food, technology, innovation, young people, sustainability, food security: these are just some of the themes that we’ll be working on throughout the Summit. We hope to champion these issues on a continent full of opportunity with an acute awareness of environmental issues and a strong innovation infrastructure. As such, I am particularly grateful to the Victorian Government, Food + Wine Victoria, Melbourne and Australia for their foresight and willingness to gather all that we have learned over the years as well as their recognition of the importance of the themes that we are advancing and the enormous economic opportunity that they represent. Over the years, Seeds&Chips has grown with the aim and the conviction to continue building upon the legacy of Expo 2015 by emphasizing both the importance of these subjects and the potential for economic development associated with them”.

Melbourne is definitely the best place where to show how far Italy has gone so far.

- Claudia Astarita



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