02/05/2013 - ABF Franchise Expo


ABF Expo 2013




  • Partecipazione al “Franchising International Seminar” (pre-fiera) c/o headquarter ABF – Associazione Brasiliana Franchising – (11 Giugno 2013)
  • Partecipazione alla fiera ABF Expo 2013 con presenza della propria azienda presso lo stand collettivo Global Franchise Network (12-15 Giugno 2013)
  • Partecipazione al seminario “International Franchises Presentation – Italy” che si svolgerà durante la fiera
  • Gestione agenda per meeting one-to-one con investitori nella sessione pre-fiera del 12 giugno 2013

Per scaricare la presentazione clicca qui

Offerta Last Minute – scadenza 17/05 – ancora pochi posti disponibili


Per informazioni:

Roberta Motta, Questo indirizzo email è protetto dagli spambots. È necessario abilitare JavaScript per vederlo. – 023451230 int. 233


La parecipazione a ABF Expo 2013 è organizzata in collaborazione con


Federico Fiorentini (BRD Consulting)

With an outstanding business experience of over 20 years Mr. Federico Fiorentini is the Founder and General Manager of BRD Consulting. As a very successful entrepreneur, manager and business consultant he developed an extensive business communication network including hundreds of business contacts all over the world and is a very important reference point for national and international companies. As Export Manager he started his professional career in the food industry and developed the international brand “IL FORNAIO” in the USA supporting the launch of hundreds of Shops, Retail Centres, Supermarkets and Hypermarkets. In addition to the development of national supermarkets Federico assisted numerous important brands in order to achieve their successful business expansion especially in Russia, Serbia, Spain, Germany, France and Italy. Furthermore, he worked as Development Manager for the following German multinational enterprises: Tengelman Group, Plus Discount and Obi. Moreover, he was Project Leader in the development of retail chains in Italy and abroad for the following brands: H3G, Wind Telecommunications, Buffetti, Prenatal, Oviesse, Pastarito-Cir food, Artistic of Antica Gelateria del Corso, Nestlé, Gabrielli, GS group Carrefour, Todis, Conad and other major brands. In addition, he negotiated licenses for new offices in several countries including German, Spain, Russia, Singapore, Jordan, Ukraine, Romania, Serbia, Belarus and Italy. He also conducted Management Training courses, University Masters, Post-Graduation courses and Marketing trainings at ASCOM ConfCommercio in Italy. Federico is currently Director and Professor at the University for International Retail Management and the European University in Rome.



Paul Cesar Mauro (Global Franchise Network)

Paulo C. Mauro, is one of the pioneers of the franchising in South América. Started in 1987 through his franchise consulting company and has developed more than 300 sucessful franchise systems  in Brazil and his company he participate in several missions, franchise shows and did seminars in Chile, Peru, Ecuador, Colombia, Argentina, Mexico, USA, Portugal, Spain, Dubai, France, China, Russia, India, Uruguay and Panama. Paulo C. Mauro has published the books, “The Franchisor’s Guide” in Brazil (5th edition in 2012), “The Franchisee´s Guide” also in Brazil (2st edition in 2012) and “Be your Own Boss Through  Franchising” in Argentina (1996).  Engineer graduated by the University of São Paulo, and MBA by the school of administration Fundação Getúlio Vargas, Paulo had worked as a director of the Brazilian Franchise Association-ABF for 4 years and has be responsible to launch the ABF Convention in its 2001. As the International Director of the Brazilian Franchise Association-ABF, signed in 2004 the agreement with the Government Export Agency – APEX to bring Brazilian Franchises to other countries. He was also the president of the Brazilian Franchise Council of the Franchise Chamber of the Brazilian Government and helped to prepare the new franchise law project now in Congress to be voted.
Paulo was honored with the title “Entrepreneurs of the Year” in 2004, introduced in Brazil by Endeavor, with more 9 entrepreneurs in the whole country.


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