

N01 Abbigliamento

Geofranchisingis an innovative project that allows Internet users around the world to view, for the first time in geographic database of over 1,100 signs (Franchisor) and the more than 51,000 outlets (franchisee) operating in Italy with the formula of the franchise.
The application allows you to view interactive map of Italy on a thematic represents the concentration of outlets in each area (choice between municipalities, CAP, provinces or regions) for a given geographic area (chosen by pan and zoom on the map d ' Italy) of a given category (chosen in a drop-down list), attached with its aggregation of indicators in tabular form. In addition, for each of the Franchisor will display a sheet. The application is a collaborative effort between BRD Consulting, a company specializing in the development of distribution networks and the analysis of location in Shopping Malls and G & O firm specializing in the development of Geographic Information Systems and applications geomarketing.

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BrD Consulting è iscritta all'Albo Aderenti Assofranchising e ne osserva il Codice Etico.

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