Endorsement or reorganization of the point of sale

We offer the best systems, products, marketing initiatives or trademarks in the world, but our competition will catch up.

Our sustainable competitive advantage is the constant improvement of our organizational capacity corresponding to the business network cycle.

- Launch of retail chains and shopping centres

- Partnerships, Associations, Joint Ventures

- Existing Company locations

Verification and improvement

New business openings need to be endorsed, increased and expanded.

BRD offers a comprehensive and professional consultant expertise to accelerate new business opportunities for a long-term success: “Our passion is helping you succeed!”


Business management

Training is the basic element to represent outstanding business performance and an essential tool for customer satisfaction.

BRD provides the necessary training both directly and on the web online.
- Marketing Initiatives for Shopping Centres
- Sales Promotions for attractive shopping possibilities
- Locomotors Activity
- Innovative Management Seminars
- Outsourcing of the administrative management
- Traditional Training
- Franchising Contract

Opening and launch

BRD guarantees the highest level of business support and expert advice for new franchise companies, dealing with the business challenges of any new franchise organization.

The following areas outline the range of consulting support offered by BRD Consulting:
- Media Campaign
- Creativity and Communication
- Event management and organization of fairs
- Market launch of shopping retail centres


Real estate activity

BRD can assist its clients in the mediation process in order to facilitate the achievement of the permit, licence and authorization requested from the Commercial Licence Administration.

- Contractual assistance and mediation
- Research of real estates lease/purchase
- Administrative authorizations and related files
- Research of affiliates for franchising 


Best site location

The optimal point of sale to access the maximum market invasion!
BRD has developed a number of new business tools (e.g. GIS) to improve the research of the best location available on the market.

- Territorial management of franchising through GIS
- Micro geo-analysis
- Best site location

Development strategy

Development Strategy: Through direct distribution structures, franchising, outsourcing or participative management.

BRD provides appropriate market analysis to reach the objectives corresponding to the business budget.

BRD optimizes business projects and enables firms to work smarter with the highest standard of professional practice in the following business fields:

- Project Financing
- Research of affiliates
- Macro geo-analysis
- Competitive analysis
- Anticipatory models
- Market researches

Business Idea and Planning

BRD aims to deliver the right growth and expansion strategies and the best location by achieving the highest customer satisfaction and reducing the business risk.

BRD provides strategic decision models for commercial networks to help costumers grow their business:

- Evaluation on the feasibility of the project
- Estimation and Analysis of the business environment
- Market research to value popular culture degree
- Market Life Cycle feedback
- Respect of the place of the market and quota erosion to challengers
- Evaluation and feedback of the competitors
- Commitment and competitive advantage
- Costs and risks evaluation
- Improvement/Development/Upgrading tools
- Summary points: "fully negative" "partly positive" "fully positive"

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