Trade Area Report


TradeAreaReport is an innovative Business tool providing maps, charts and graphs that help to analyze in detail aspects and characteristics of a new or already existing business. The Report will be produced in two analysis methods: Statistical Analysis and Competition Analysis

Trading Area: TradeAreaReport*Statistical Analysis Starting from the new activity we draw up a specific overview of the area, including traffic area and land data. The selected data will then be processed in four isochrones (walking and / or by car) focused on resident reporting data. An isochronous is a line definded as "walking" for few minutes starting from a location up to a selected business area. This drawing indicates how much time it is required to reach the business area from the neighbourhood. Some examples of regular isochrones show a standard period of time of 5 and 10 minutes walking, or 5 and 10 minutes by car etc. The isochrones data are defined regarding the purchasing habits of the customers, the presence or absence of road infrastructure such as existing roads and rail networks, parking areas, commercial areas etc..

The isochrones will then be calculated according to the geometry of the Census Chamber, reporting the date of each one of them, including the statistical variables which are stipulated by the number of residents, age, education degrees, employment and neighbourhood. This is a "theoretical" trade area report which has to be distinguished from the “real” one that corresponds to the living area of long-term business clients of existing business activities.

After the evaluation of all the data collected from different trade areas, we calculate the statistical percentages, compare them with the National level Guide and enhance finally any differences between them. In other words we are able to know the number of people who are living in the selected area, their kind of educational degree and moreover further comprehensive information data on a typical family living in the neighbourhood. The same data will then be drawn into graphs.

In addition to the social demographic indicators, each one with its own chart, we provide statements specifically developed for the TradeAreaReport, which include the disposable income, "daytime" population data (other than the "residents"), habits and costumes and the total number of shop centres in the area. These reports are showed in different coloured diagrams. Furthermore, we provide the corresponding graphs and diagrams and the spatial distribution of the "lifestyles", a methodology that divides the customers in homogeneous groups.

Competition Analysis: TradeAreaReport *

We provide a Competition Analysis to show the location of related business activities (potential competitors). This map of "potentially competitive business activities" is drawn up by the evaluation of various databases and will be reported by our analysis.

We draw a detailed manual of each competitive business activitiy into the selected area including the business logo, the number of shop windows and / or "boxes", the presence of parking spaces and the hours and days of closure. We also provide an estimation of the accessibility, visibility, number of customers and further evaluation characteristics. Moreover, we conduct a brief survey on the "cheapest price" (excluding special offers) for a maximum of five products which will be summarized in a result chart.

In the meantime we also interview the first five customers of the selected shop area. The questions are focused on their consumter behavior per year (how many times they came to the selected shopping area within the last seven days, shopping time and spending), the inclination of a possible change regarding the shopping area (for which reasons they would change on equal distance), neighbourhood (living or working in the area), sex and age.

The reported data and the interviews do not represent a statistical research but pursue the objective to enhance important information of forecast business competition and customers habits of the new trade area.

TradeAreaReport * StatisticalAnalysis

The Report contains maps, diagrams and graphs which describe in detail the selected trade area :

Click on the link below to download a Demo: TradeAreaReport

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