5 Common Executive Job Search Myths







Myths exist in every facet of life. There are even myths about the executive job search. Speak with any fellow job-seeker, and you’re be sure to hear a few fables about how to find an executive position.
These inaccuracies can make the job search process more difficult than it needs to be. Learn the truths behind the common myths and you’ll enjoy a more efficient and effective job search.

indexHere are ’5 Common Executive Job Search Myths’:


1). You need more schooling or certifications to acquire an executive job

You don’t have to have an MBA or all of the certifications in order to find a role that is right for you. The two wealthiest executives in the world, Bill Gates and Carlos Slim, do not have these degrees.
What is important is having the capability to utilize your intelligence and to demonstrate your expertise and experience. Some organizations may be more fickle, but these may also not be the right place for you to begin with.

2). You have to match your CV to the posted position’s keywords

Hiring personnel have to evaluate hundreds, if not thousands, of CVs. If all of these are full of keywords from their posted job description, they will naturally have a difficult time finding a candidate that stands apart.
Rather than stuffing your CV with keywords, fill it with words that describe you and your unique expertise; this is more to your advantage.

3). Your resume should give all of the details about all your past work experience

It is important to remember the true purpose of a resume. The resume is simply a tool that is supposed to aid you in getting an interview; a resume cannot, and should not, solely get you a job. A resume should give pertinent information to show the benefit you have brought to other companies and what you can potentially bring to another.
The job of the resume is to intrigue and persuade the reader that you are worth taking the time to interview. Treat the resume accordingly.

4). You have to go through Human Resources

Human Resources is not the only way to connect to a company and influential board members. Networking can be equally as effective. Connecting with a person who may be your future boss may even culminate in a better response.
Take the time to find and connect with these individuals in a more personal setting; these can include networking events or through social media like LinkedIn.

5). Networking is all about obtaining help from others

Networking is not a one-way street. It is about building relationships, not viewing people only for the help they might afford to you. Putting out the message, “Can you help me to….” isn’t going to cut it when networking.
Like any good relationship, network building takes time. It regularly involves getting to know other people and forging human connections; it may also require that you consider how you can help others as well as what they might be able to do for you. Be prepared to put in the effort when networking; as a bonus, it can even lead to lasting friendships.


Fonte: blog.careerintelligence.com


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