Franchising, retail, business
12/01/2018 - Costco is the best. I love to go there — sometimes even when I don't have anything to buy. I'm not gonna lie, sometimes I go there when I'm a little bit peckish and I walk around just eating samples.
I know, I'm a terrible person, but I doubt that I'm the only one who does this. In all seriousness, though, you can't beat the price. And Costco is the best place to go for school snacks when you have kids.
When you're comparing price per ounce, Costco is the best place to buy these things. Depending on where you live, these prices may vary, but these were the best deals I could find.
1. Kirkland pure maple syrup
The Costco price on this stuff is 32.5 cents per ounce, beating out both Walmart and Amazon. Plus, it's the best maple syrup I've ever had.
2. Scoop Away cat litter
Cat litter is just one of those things where if you have to buy it, buy it in bulk. Scoop Away at Costco is 28.5 cents per ounce, and that's big savings compared to any other store.
3. McCormick taco seasoning
If you make a lot of tacos, you should buy your taco seasoning at Costco. You can get this beast for 50% less than at other supermarket — of course, it's also Costco-sized.
4. Kirkland applesauce squeezes
Kids suck these things back faster than you can buy them, but you get the best bang for your buck here because they're 32.5 cents per pouch.
By HollyAntoine