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Agony Aunt – Where Have all the Headhunters Gone?

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The adage goes “two heads are better than one.” It is in this logic that job seekers hope to attract and acquire the services of headhunters. Even better, a headhunter has something most individuals do not have: inside information from the job market and knowledge about openings that will never likely be advertised. An experienced headhunter can search more efficiently for jobs than you can. A great headhunter can make the difference between a successful or unfortunate search.
Where Have all the Headhunters Gone?

Attracting the likes of the top-tier headhunters is a task all on its own however. Headhunters seek out the most highly qualified, experienced individuals that would be an asset to their company or client. Usually, individuals contacted by a headhunter are elite performers who are well known within their field. A headhunter’s job is to contact individuals who meet the company’s requirements and then present a short-list of candidates to the company’s hiring firm for interviews.
While headhunters frequently contact candidates out of the blue, there are several things that individuals can do to catch a headhunter’s attention. Listed below are some of the best ways to attract the attention of a headhunter.
Attend Conferences and Seminars
Headhunters regularly attend industry-specific conferences and seminars when they are looking for highly qualified talent. To check if there are any headhunters at the conference or event you are considering attending, scour the sign-in list. On these lists, individuals have to sign-in, and you may be able to recognize a prominent headhunter’s name, or the firm they represent.
Actively Participate in Sector-Specific Speaking Events
To capture a headhunter’s attention, you must be noticeable first. One of the most pragmatic ways to become noticeable is to partake in speaking engagements. Speaking publicly is even more advantageous if the media is present at events, because being quoted by media or published in a journal is an excellent way to get on the radar.
The more people you know, the greater your chances will become of crossing paths with a worthwhile headhunter. To increase the number of people you know, you must network. Suggestions for interpersonal networking include passing out as many business cards as possible. Everyone you meet is someone you may create a professional relationship later down the line.
In the modern business environment, it is also beneficial to establish a presence on the Internet. One of the easiest ways to do this is to register with social media outlets such as LinkedIn and Viadeo. Headhunters often scan these social media platforms for prospective candidates that meet their predetermined requirements. However, since you are creating these accounts for networking possibilities, it is crucial to keep the information on the sites highly professional; personal content and photographs should be displayed on other social media accounts.
Create a Blog
Another great method to emphasize your presence on the Internet is to create a blog. Make sure the blog relates to your profession; it may even better to cater towards particular niche disciplines within your profession to demonstrate your uniqueness and expertise. Make sure to include all your professional and academic experience somewhere in the blog. If you aren’t an accomplished writer, you can always outsource the writing based on your initial ideas and professional concepts.
Contact Headhunters Directly
Perhaps the most proactive technique to get a headhunter’s attention is to contact them directly. You can accomplish this by meeting with the recruiter or their search firm directly and inquiring on how you can be added to their database of potential candidates. An approach such as this may be crude, but it is also highly effective depending on your established pedigree and interpersonal skills. This is in many ways the same approach on may take in searching for employment directly with firms. Just take the appropriate time to research firms that you think fit your skills and traits best, and have the most advantageous connections to your industry.



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