On 5 March for the BRD Consulting after the success of Dubai and Doha which will be presented in the conference tomorrow, it dates back to National.
FIF-Confesercenti and Confesercenti Puglia, in collaboration with the Camera di Commercio Italo Orientale, CCIAA di Bari, BRD Consulting, BridgEconomies, De Simone & Partners, Confindustria and ICE Puglia Basilicata, Regione Puglia and Unioncamere organize the conference: "The network for growing the Puglia business in the world: The franchise abroad, engine development and competitiveness to the regional economy. "
The conference will be held on Thursday, March 5 from 15.00 - 18.00 at the Hall of Unioncamere Fiera del Levante in Bari. The initiative will focus on franchise opportunities for business growth of Puglia abroad, particularly in the eastern markets. Authoritative experts and institutions will explain the procedures for development to address the internationalization and policies to support enterprises.
Operators and interested contractors to the internationalization of their companies through the formula of the franchise will address the innovative business strategies in the eastern markets and services to businesses FIF franchise.
Participation is free.