25/05/2009 - BRD at the World Card Payment & Security Summit 2009

Federico Fiorentini General Manager of BRD Consulting, was invited to participate as a spokeman at the World Card Payment & Security Summit, the international Conference about the dealers in the payment and security market, which takes place on 26th may at the Melià Roma Aurelia Antica Hotel, where he will illustrate the topics related to "Geomarketing & Loyalty Cards"

In its 5th edition, the event represents a meeting point for leading companies and the most important Italian Institutions that are active in this field, remaining the best guide in the Italian panorama for the payment and security systems.

During the meeting, enriched by contents, case histories and commercial strategies, there will be a plenary session chaired by Mr. Stefano Sassi, director of RAI TG2 Economy, an A1 session about "Security and fraud prevention in the processes of payment. System analysis for companies and consumers", an A2 session about "Payment - Marketing and Loyalty trends. New technologies that support the integration and the development of services. In this latest part the General Manager of BRD will intervene.

The World Card Payment & Security Summit ,organized by the Osservatorio Internazionale Cards and promoted by Assoknowledge, Confindustria innovative and technological services, will have the participation of the editors of the most important financial newspapers, card and payment experts, and managers of leading companies and universities.

For further information contact us: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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