03/11/2009 - BRD in Belarus again

Federico Fiorentini, as International expert of the FIF Confesercenti will be the speaker at the Business Forum with the title “Business Forum Italy – Belarus” that will take place in Minsk from the 5th to the 6th November.

The meeting is finalized to the development of economic-commercial collaboration opportunities among Italian and Byelorussian businesses, mainly in the banking sector, in the machine tools, tourism and food farming.

The presence of Federico Fiorentini, general manager of BRD Consulting arrives after the previous positive experience of last July, in which he took part as speaker to a seminar at the fair dedicated to transits of traditions, cultures and knowledge between –Latium Region and Belarus.

Moreover the arrival of Mr. Lorenzo Ferrari, who had already worked at the trade office in the Italian Embassy to Minsk, further witnesses the dynamism and the push to internationalization of the company that will be confirmed in the territories already explored and reinforce also new frontiers to undertake its consolidate development project.

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