Strategic collaboration between BrD Consulting and ServiX China

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December 15th, 2022, Rome, Italy – BRD Consulting, leading international management consulting firm and ServiX China, international accounting firm, have announced that the two companies have entered in a strategic partnership.

The aim is to introduce more American and European retail brands and Franchising into Mainland China’s increasing market and economy as well as helping Chinese company in the Western market.

The joint forces will focus on providing online and offline business consulting and development services for companies that are looking to transition from western countries to China and from China to western countries.

The new business unit will specialize in the latest trends in online marketing, such as the “phygital” approach, which combines physical and digital elements, and social media marketing. It will also offer strategic business planning and geo-development services, as well as assist businesses in creating a presence in the Chinese market.

The goal is to provide businesses with the necessary tools and resources to kick start their business in a foreign country in the most efficient way.

With a team of experts in both the western and Chinese markets, the company is well-equipped to provide comprehensive services tailored to each client’s needs.

The joint is already building the partners and associates networks in both the western and Chinese markets to provide comprehensive services to its clients.

Companies can be sure that they are taking advantage of the latest technologies and trends in both online and offline according to their market.

ServiX Group and BRD Consulting are set to revolutionize the way companies do business with its unique phygital approach and take them to new levels of commercial success.

For more information
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+39 3498612827

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+86 13509691841


2022 12 15 日,意大利罗马—国际领先管理咨询公司 BRD Consulting 和国际会计师事务所 ServiX China 宣布,两家公司已建立战略合作伙伴关系。








ServiX Group 和 BRD Consulting 将通过其独特的phygital方案来改变公司开展业务的方式,并将它们带到新的商业记录。

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+39 3498612827

+44 7513467526

+86 13509691841

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