CLEAN LIFE - Dry cleaning


Clean Life was born 33 years ago thanks to the work of a group of professionals in this sector. It has become soon a leader company thanks to the use of technology, which allows to obtain new production processes and new methodologies for work organization.

In 1995 Clean Life entered in franchising world and it was at once a success proved by more than 40 Stores’ opening in Italy and abroad (without counting the 300 direct dry cleaning) with a sales turnover of more than € 10 million.

The company’s aim is to develop its own business network and reinforce this sector’s leadership.

Clean Life’s strong point is the innovative production system which allows to cut down the operating costs in order to achieve the best profits and customer’s satisfaction with a high quality service at unbeatable prices.

Clean Life offers to its affiliates continuous assistance. The training, which starts in the Clean Life Training Centers, goes on for all Dry Cleaning management. Technical consulting and direct assistance on-site are always ensured as well as staff refresher courses about new technologies and the periodical and complete machinery’s check up.

Thanks to Sviluppo Italia signed deposit Convention, Clean Life is going to develop further on its own national network with loans’ borrowers of Franchising Law.

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