Federico Fiorentini chairman to the conference to the Real Forum in Verona
The conference real estate Market and organized nets: future sceneries of the real estate franchising has been the occasion of comparison between the most known and important real estate groups in franchising.
In a real estate market that shows signals of deceleration, with times of trading that extend to lengthen, the competition between agencies is trained more and more.
There are 100.000 operators on the market of which 73.000 affiliate to the mediators role. Between these 34.000 are organized with "an agency on the road" or in the devoted offices and around 7.000 they have joined to a group with mark you notice and coordinated services.
Italo Bussoni (Assofranchising) has coordinated the interventions of Filippo Cartareggia (Gambetti), Giuseppe Caruso (Pirelli Re), Bruno Vettore (Grimaldi), Luca Bogliano (Fondocasa), Gianluigi Garzano (Unire) and Federico Fiorentini (delegated FIF)that has concluded his intervention about the necessity for the figure of the mediator to evolve: "It is necessary to put in firld profrssionalism, innovative services and advanced techonological tools".
BrD Consulting è iscritta all'Albo Aderenti Assofranchising e ne osserva il Codice Etico.