07/05/2007 - Fiorentini has been called to furnish news about market of the bread

Within the eighth edition of the Siab, Verona Fairs has entertained a conference with the collaboration of Assopanificatori, about the news of the Law Bersani for the market of the bread.

siabSunday 6 May there has been, on the occasion of the eighth international Techno-Bake Exhibition, a conference about the art. 4 of the law August 4 th 2006 n° 248, with the purpose to mostly favor the promotion of a competitive order in the sector of the market of the bread, repealing the law July 31 st 1956 n° 1002, have of done behaved, the liberalization of the start of a new activity of panificazine.

The Dott. Gaetano Pergamo, Manager of the Assopanificatori/Panificazione Oggi, has coordinated the interventions of the Dr. Antonio Lirosi, General Manager of the Office Economic Development, has seen again the whole procedure of the decree, confirming the cultural and economic reforming wish of the provision and confirming the various legislative devices from consummation on the place to the discipline of bakery confirming the appointments taken of the Dr. Enrico Famà, President New Pizza that has positively judged the new discipline that an ampler liberty of enterprise allows finalized to the growth, the Dr. Federico Fiorentini, General Manager BRD, has made a focus instead about the sector illustrating the options in field on which the Dr. is detained. Bizzarri that has spoken of new format and of the demand of a more modern professionalism.

Then, the President Partigiani has thanked and confirmed the role of Assopanificatori and thanked organizers of the SIAB, manifesting his optimism on the future of the market of the bread.

The President Petruccioli has introduced some notes: the discrepancy between center and outskirts, between national norms and applications from the ASL, between political wish of the Office Economic Development and defense of the bureaucratic prerogatives to local level.

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