29/11/2013 - Il Vero Alfredo too with International Association of Franchise Professionals at “Brand4Baltic 2013”

logo - - il vero alfredoIL VERO ALFREDO offers the client the opportunity to choose from a wide variety of formulas andsolutions specifically designed for each specific need, opportunity or location. Design and detailed study of the location, atmosphere, modern, glamorous and youthful, yet refined and rich in tradition, combined with the unique flavor of fettuccine Alfredo.
Alfredo's Gallery is the new frontier of food for the guest who wants to enjoy a quick meal without sacrificing the quality of Italian cooking, and for what, however, loves comfort and a menu full of specialty. IL VERO ALFREDO always within shines with culinary excellence of exquisite service and unique atmosphere resulting from the brand and the charm of historic and essential elements such as Photo Gallery, the Guest books, gold tableware, and all the charm that distinguished


 BROCHURE: IL VERO ALFREDO too with International Association of Franchise Professionals at “Brand4Baltic 2013”

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