Zero fast Food - healthy eating out from home



The importance of proper nutrition for the psychological and aesthetic well-being of the person has been confirmed by numerous scientific studies and is easily verified through personal experience.


Unfortunately, however, when you are eating outside the home, to respect a controlled diet or their specific choices in nutrition becomes difficult. The fast-food and the traditional dining options generally offer ready meals, fatty and high calorie, and are not able to meet the needs of those who choose to take a dietary diet, low-calorie or high protein.

ZEROFASTFOOD is the answer to all those who, having little time to eat a meal outside the home, do not want to give up the chance to enjoy healthy and organic dishes or follow their specific diet.


The idea was born in 2013 by the intuition of an architect, Michela Cancellieri. She was faced with precisely the same kind of difficulties: every time she chose to follow a controlled diet to finally win the ongoing struggle against the scales, she haddifficulty eating with satisfaction outside the home and she could not find products compatible with the food regimen chosen.

After verifying with their friends that it was a shared need, she decided to launch ZEROFASTFOOD, a brand made in Italy that serves diet food, high protein and low in calories without neglecting taste and quality.


Openings 2019

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