Franchising, retail, business


Ecco cos'è la firma digitale e perché è sicura quanto un notaio

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Dopo la norma dell'Investment Compact che prevede la costituzione di una startup anche senza atto notarile, la categoria è insorta: «Rischio assenza di controlli». Ma Andrea Caccia (Anorc) dice: «La firma digitale è tecnicamente sicura: certifica i dati anagrafici, garantisce l'autenticità del documento. Gli errori? Solo umani»

Leggi tutto: Ecco cos'è la firma digitale e perché è sicura quanto un notaio

Pizze surgelate: per 2 su 3 ingredienti stranieri, ma ora arriva la pizza tricolore certificata

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Patto tra Italpizza e Filiera Agricola Italiana per una pizza al 100% bianco-rosso-verde. ItalPizza, big modenese nella produzione di pizze surgelate, ha stretto una partnership con gli agricoltori italiani, guidati da Coldiretti, che garantisce l’origine italiana degli ingredienti fondamentali per una buona pizza.

Leggi tutto: Pizze surgelate: per 2 su 3 ingredienti stranieri, ma ora arriva la pizza tricolore certificata

Burberry uses Snapchat to share video and capture consumers’ attention


British fashion label Burberry is welcoming consumers to join the brand as it celebrates the opening of a new flagship store in Los Angeles with an exclusive event at the Griffith Observatory, which the brand will share on Snapchat.
Up until the day of the event. Burberry will be posting regular stories to its Snapchat account allowing consumers to witness all of the activities taking place in Los Angeles from their phones.

Leggi tutto: Burberry uses Snapchat to share video and capture consumers’ attention

Farinetti, per Expo un Concept Bar solo Nutella

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Il pirotecnico Oscar Farinetti, patron di Eataly, ha annunciato che porterà ad Expo anche la crema alla nocciola più famosa al mondo. Ci sarà infatti un Nutella Concept Bar nello spazio dedicato alla biodiversità italiana con cui Eataly si presenterà all’Esposizione Universale. Ma la proposta di Eataly per Expo, presentata dallo stesso Farinetti con il commissario unico dell’evento, Giuseppe Sala, prevede davvero tante novità, come ha ribattuto anche l’agenzia Ansa.

Leggi tutto: Farinetti, per Expo un Concept Bar solo Nutella

McDonald's vs. Taco Bell: Fast food wars turning ugly


In the latest evidence of fierce fast-food competition, some McDonald's restaurants are offering free food to Taco Bell customers.
Participating McDonald's locations in northeast Pennsylvania will fork over a free Egg McMuffin sandwich to diners who bring in a Taco Bell breakfast receipt now through April 17. (Tweet this)

Leggi tutto: McDonald's vs. Taco Bell: Fast food wars turning ugly

No Money Guaranteed For Phones 4U Creditors

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This week, administrators will be able to comment on how many money can be recovered from collapsed retailer Phone 4U, although most creditors are not expecting to receive anything.
Creditors are to receive a progress report on work from since Phones 4U’s end in September last year, when the independent mobile phone retailer fell into administration with unsecured debts of £168m.

Leggi tutto: No Money Guaranteed For Phones 4U Creditors

10 birre da bere questa primavera

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Il vero appassionato di birre quando sente che è in arrivo la primavera si chiede: e adesso con cosa la abbino? Dato che non esiste la birra giusta in assoluto per questa stagione, abbiamo stilato un piccolo elenco, tra tradizione e modernità, che vi aiuterà a decidere cosa bere mentre fate il cambio degli armadi e passate dal cappotto alle infradito.

Leggi tutto: 10 birre da bere questa primavera

Mutui, continua il momento positivo: tassi più bassi e domanda «record»

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Mentre continua la lenta discesa del tasso medio di interesse applicato ai mutui, non si ferma la corsa delle domande di finanziamento da parte delle famiglie.
Secondo il barometro Crif, il mese di marzo «ha fatto registrare un incremento impetuoso nel numero delle richieste di mutuo da parte delle famiglie italiane, con un eloquente +49,4% rispetto al corrispondente mese del 2014 (valore ponderato, a parità di giorni lavorativi) che per altro a sua volta si caratterizzava per un segno positivo».

Leggi tutto: Mutui, continua il momento positivo: tassi più bassi e domanda «record»

Tesco taglia le richieste ai fornitori


E anche in Italia, dove il dibattito su questi argomenti (contributi da fornitori) è sempre stato, soprattutto fino all’articolo 62, cauto e avvolto nel manto di esasperanti bizantinismi, non pochi addetti ai lavori si domanderanno quando e come le grandi catene seguiranno (o dovranno seguire) la scia di Tesco.

Leggi tutto: Tesco taglia le richieste ai fornitori

7 foods that are cheaper to eat at restaurants than at home

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Going out to eat is a large expense for many people, especially city dwellers.
But sometimes, dining out is justifiable — and in some cases, it's even a better value than eating at home.

Leggi tutto: 7 foods that are cheaper to eat at restaurants than at home

Spring Has Sprung: Tips for Adding Appeal to Your Restaurant’s Patio Space

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With the weather warming up, it’s the perfect time to get the most out of your restaurant’s patio for dining and entertaining. If your patio needs some love, here are fun ways to add excitement and appeal to your outdoor patio space.

Leggi tutto: Spring Has Sprung: Tips for Adding Appeal to Your Restaurant’s Patio Space

Walmart founding family to sell company shares


Walmart (NYSE:WMT) announced that the company's founding family, the Waltons, has moved 6 percent of the retailer's outstanding shares into a newly formed trust for possible sale. The move is intended to offset expected increases in its stake that have been attributed to stock buybacks and to help fund charitable contributions.

Leggi tutto: Walmart founding family to sell company shares

Shopper marketing: Where to now?

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In the final article of our series on the findings of the Popai/GfK Shopper Marketing Industry Benchmark Survey we summarise below current industry sentiment and where the shopper marketing industry in Australia is heading.
First, the good news
Shopper marketing has moved beyond perceptions of being a fad. Although 23 per cent of retailers still remain unconvinced, this is down from 60 per cent three years ago.
For 4 in 10, shopper marketing is perceived to be integrated as part of category and customer marketing, this number is very similar to 2011 (42 per cent).
There has been a bigger shift in the perceptions of shopper marketing as core and a key growth driver, now four in 10 overall.
This has increased from 2011 to 2014 for retailers by 18 per cent (20 per cent in 2011 versus 38 per cent in 2014) and for manufacturers by 20 per cent (22 per cent vs 42 per cent).
Scepticism remains, but consistent measurement will help
Part of the remaining scepticism, the ‘prove to me it works’ mentality, is partly due to patchy measurement despite the professed increase in the amount of activity the industry classifies as shopper marketing.
Only around half of Shopper Marketing programs are measured. Half of retailers and one third of manufacturers measuring program effectiveness less than a quarter of the time. What is measured is basic, as it is mostly sales outcome focussed, without understanding the level of impact of program elements on the shopper. This has not changed greatly since 2011.
Retailers are measuring fewer things than manufacturers overall. Retailer focus is on dollars and overall shopper experience rather than behaviour change. Manufacturers are more likely to measure inputs and compliance given theirs is the majority of the instore spend in this area.
Retailers are unlikely to understand instore execution. This ties into retailers’ reluctance to accept accountability for compliance, as mentioned by many manufacturers in the face to face interviews.
Some of the remaining scepticism about shopper marketing’s effectiveness can be overcome if the industry can agree, and consistently implement, a holistic and standard set of measures for shopper marketing programs that encompass inputs, impacts and influence, and outcomes.
What are the pain points and success limiters?
Manufacturers and retailers are aligned on what they see as the limiters of shopper marketing’s success, and ironically one of these is insufficient retailer/manufacturer collaboration. The other two limiters retailers and manufacturers agree on are conflicting internal objectives and lack of business planning integration.
In addition, retailers mentioned insufficient expertise as an additional limiter. For agencies the limiters of conflicting client objectives, lack of collaboration, and lack of business planning were similar, but given agencies’ often executional role retailer clean store policies also rated highly.
The ‘prove to me it works’ and conservatism mentalities means that despite the perceptions of shopper marketing increasing innovation, in reality there hasn’t been much shift. To get off the ‘same old, same old’ merry go round, there needs to be agreement to at least trial new things (based on shopper insight), in the absence of proof.
Retailers need to become more willing to participate in trials and loosen the instore activation guidelines. Manufacturers need to ensure the activities they pitch to retailers are based on a shopper insight and shopper needs and not merely brand focussed messaging or creative ideas with no strategic grounding.
Where are we now, and where to next?
To circle back to the beginning of the series, below is the summary of what has changed in shopper marketing in the past three years, and what hasn’t.



E dietro l’hamburgheria per gourmet spuntò una grande M gialla…

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Siete di quelli che “io non mangerei mai un hamburger McDonald’s”? Allora sperate di non essere passati nel cuore della movida milanese, in corso Como, ed aver assaggiato i panini del nuovo “Single Burger”, magari decantandoli per la loro bontà e ineccepibile qualità. Scoprireste di essere stati bonariamente beffati.

Leggi tutto: E dietro l’hamburgheria per gourmet spuntò una grande M gialla…

When we showed people the food of the future, they were shocked


The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations makes a compelling case that insects are key to our future food security. Insects are chock-full of protein, good fats, calcium, iron, and zinc — making them viable alternatives to chicken, pig, and cow meat. Bugs are also much easier on the environment.

Leggi tutto: When we showed people the food of the future, they were shocked

Retail Experts discuss challenges and envision future in the InRetail Summit Saudi Arabia

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Mr. Mohammad Alawi, Chairman of the second annual InRetail Summit
Jeddah - Jeddah is hosting the most prestigious event for the retail sector in Saudi Arabia. It will convene the retail elite experts and industry pioneers across the kingdom on the 13th and 14th of April 2015, at Park Hyatt Jeddah. The summit will discuss the challenges facing the industry and how to handle the growing demand from the citizens and residents of Saudi Arabia for all types of merchandises and luxuries.

Leggi tutto: Retail Experts discuss challenges and envision future in the InRetail Summit Saudi Arabia

10 vini bianchi perfetti per la primavera

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La natura fiorisce, l’aria è carica di profumi: siamo entrati finalmente nel pieno della primavera, nel vivo del periodo più frizzante dell’anno. Scampagnate, pranzetti all’aperto, aperitivi al tramonto, ci aspettano tanti momenti appetitosi che non si possono affrontare con il vino sbagliato se vogliamo goderli al meglio. Per accompagnare i piatti di stagione, che siano tradizionali o fusion, e celebrare il risveglio dei sensi bisogna scegliere le etichette adatte.

Leggi tutto: 10 vini bianchi perfetti per la primavera

La valigia per gli affari

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Manager in viaggio per affari ecco cosa mette nella valigia.
Il manager quando viaggia per affari, analizza degli elementi importanti per affrontare il viaggio nella maniera più tranquilla possibile.

Leggi tutto: La valigia per gli affari

What makes a supermarket super?

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Australia’s 14,000,000 grocery buyers have some strong ideas when it comes to choosing which supermarket to shop at, according to new study findings released by Roy Morgan.
Among the factors most likely to influence their decision are food safety, location, and good value, while ‘add on’ services such as photo developing and dry cleaning tend not to rate very highly at all.

Leggi tutto: What makes a supermarket super?

UK firms' hiring intentions 'sky high' but concerns persist over productivity

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Business Trends report maintains strong growth reading, suggesting job creation will continue to rise; signs too of building industry revival
Employers’ hiring intentions are at a “sky high” level and stronger than in the pre-recession boom, but concerns remain about the UK’s failure to grow productivity, according to a new report.

Leggi tutto: UK firms' hiring intentions 'sky high' but concerns persist over productivity

Logo FEPbyFFF dates UK



Logo Store inout BrD piccoloL’idea di creare un blog giornaliero per  il mondo del retail nasce grazie ai continui feedback positivi che riceviamo dalle notizie condivise attraverso diversi canali.
Rivolto a tutte le tipologie di distribuzione presenti sul mercato: dal dettaglio ai grandi mall, dal commercio locale e nazionale alle catene di negozi internazionali, investitori, ai nostri fedeli clienti e chiunque altro è realmente interessato allo studio e all'approfondimento su ciò che guida il comportamento dei consumatori. E' anche un blog per tutti coloro i quali lavorano già nel mondo del Retail.
Verranno condivise le loro esperienze, le loro attitudini e le loro experties. Un blog di condivisione, quindi.
Ospitato sul sito della BRD Consulting, che da decenni lavora nel mondo distributivo Italiano ed Internazionale, il blog Store in & out riguarderà il business, i marchi e i comportamenti d'acquisto propri di alcune delle più grandi aziende.
Ci saranno anche notizie in lingua originale per dare evidenza dell’attenzione della nostra Azienda nei confronti del global.
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