Franchising, retail, business
TIM Ventures entra in Angel List a supporto del syndicate di Gil Dibner con un investimento di circa 100.000 $ per il 2015-
Tim Ventures, il seed venture capital del gruppo Telecom italia, ha annunciato la sua prima operazione di investimento all’estero, impegnandosi per 100 mila dollari a far parte del sindacato di investitori lanciato da Gil Dibner su AngelList
Nel maremagnum del vino italiano assaggiato qualche giorno fa al Vinitaly siamo andati alla ricerca dei migliori assaggi da abbinare alla pizza. Di spunti interessanti la kermesse enoica, andata in scena a Veronafiere, ce ne ha offerti tanti. Dopo molti sorsi e appunti, ecco una lista di vini provenienti da diverse regioni con tanto di etichetta, dai vini dei piccoli vignerons a quelli firmati dalle icone del vino naturale.
Adidas is hoping to catch Nike up and double net profits by 2020, after its five year plans were released yesterday.
The company pledged to pay out higher dividends and to increase profits which decreased in 2014 by 38% to €490m.
The German brand and the world’s second largest sports goods company will shift its spending to influential cities, with plans to increase profits by an impressive 15% in 2015.
Quali sono i migliori ristoranti del mondo? Chi li sceglie? In che modo? Quali sono i parametri? Nel 2004 è nata, quasi per gioco, quella che sarebbe diventata la più autorevole classifica nel campo della ristorazione a livello mondiale, la The World’s 50 Best Restaurants. A esattamente due mesi dalla nuova, attesissima, lista per il 2015 – sarà celebrata il primo giugno a Londra – facciamo un breve ripasso.
Leggi tutto: 50 Best: come funziona la classifica dei migliori ristoranti del mondo
Simply Market cerca personale in vari supermercati in tutta Italia. Oggi ci concentriamo sulle offerte di lavoro Simply Market in Lombardia, e in special modo a Milano. I supermercati Simply sono diffusissimi. Il “Simply” è diventato parte integrante della vita quotidiana di tantissimi italiani: conta più di 1500 supermercati in tutta Italia. 274 negozi diretti, ma soprattutto più di 1.250 in franchising.
In an attempt to attract more household goods shoppers, retail giant Amazon has unveiled a device that can place orders to replenish items such as washing powder and razors.
The Dash Button can be attached to appliances around the home, and when pushed, processes a delivery request.
You're filling up on healthy foods, exercising daily and still, the scale isn't budging. It's mind-numbingly frustrating. Luckily, it's also fixable. Here are six common things that could be standing between you and your weight-loss goals – plus easy ways to bust through each.
1. You Aren't Tracking What You Eat
"Most of the time, when someone comes into my office saying they aren't losing weight, the problem is that they are eating a lot more than they think they are," says Holly Herrington, a registered dietitian and clinical nutritionist with the Center for Lifestyle Medicine at Northwestern Medical Faculty Foundation. "Almost every single person underestimates how much they are eating." You can blame oversized restaurant portions, mindless munching and "health halos" for that, she says.
After all, French fries and ice cream aren't the only things that are calorie-packed. So are healthy foods, including olive oil, avocado and nuts. For instance, 1 cup of almonds contains about 750 calories. If you're snacking on them (a great idea), but without measuring and tracking those calories (a bad idea), you could easily end up gaining weight, Herrington says.
She recommends tracking everything you eat, at least for a couple months, with apps like My FitnessPal, which will help you learn proper portion sizes and how your favorite health foods measure up calorie-wise. In one American Journal of Preventive Medicine study, people who kept daily food records lost double the weight of those who didn't track their food intake.
2. You're Not Sleeping Enough
A bad night's sleep can wreck your weight-loss efforts through a two-pronged approach. For one, it makes you hungry and likely to overeat. "When you don't get enough sleep, your levels of cortisol and also ghrelin, a hormone that increases the sensation of hunger, rise," explains board-certified internist Dr. Patricia Salber.
For example, in one University of Chicago study, healthy young men who got just four hours of sleep two nights in a row (compared to their usual seven to nine hours) reported a 24 percent increase in appetite, along with cravings for candy, cookies, chips, bread and pasta. They also experienced an 18 percent decrease in leptin, which promotes fullness, and a 28 percent increase in the hunger-hormone ghrelin.
Second of all, not getting enough sleep could make your body store what you do eat as fat. For instance, a 2011 study in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that just one night's bad sleep caused healthy men's resting energy expenditure – the number of calories they burned by simply being alive – to drop by 5 percent. The number of calories they burned after each meal also dropped by 20 percent.
"Sleep deprivation and sleep apnea may affect blood sugar levels and increase insulin resistance," says endocrinologist Dr. Michael Bergman, clinical professor of medicine at the NYU Langone Medical Center. "Sleep disorders, namely obstructive sleep apnea, [have] been associated with the development of Type 2 diabetes."
If clean-sleep habits – such as keeping your bedtimes consistent and not playing on electric devices in the hour before bed – don't help you get eight solid hours a night, talk to your doctor about how you can sleep better and longer, he says.
3. You're Eating the Same Number of Calories You Did on Day One of Your Diet
Oh, the weight-loss plateau: At the beginning of your diet, you were losing weight and feeling great. But now, you're doing the exact same thing, but with zero results. That might be the problem. "As you lose weight, your caloric needs will change," Herrington says. "The smaller you get, the fewer calories your body needs, so the fewer calories you'll need to eat to continue losing weight."
If your weight-loss results have plateaued for one to two months, she recommends gradually cutting back on calories. Start by eating 100 fewer calories a day and see how the scale shifts in a couple weeks' time. Don't cut back too much, though. Most women shouldn't eat any fewer than 1,200 calories a day and men shouldn't eat any fewer that 1,700 a day. Meanwhile, you should never feel famished or low on energy, she says.
4. You're Constantly Stressed
Acute stress – say from a looming work deadline or relationship drama – can cause your appetite to go MIA. But if the stress keeps up and becomes chronic, too-high levels of the stress hormone cortisol can increase your appetite, particularly for high-carbohydrate foods, according to Salber.
"When stressed, people seek to comfort themselves and relieve the tension," she says. "All too often, that means turning to sugar or starchy foods." High-carb foods can cause a quick spike in blood sugar and feel-good serotonin levels. But both crash quickly, and put you in a vicious cycle of stress and overeating.
Meanwhile, by stimulating the production of insulin, cortisol also increases your body's tendency to store calories as visceral fat. A type of fat that hangs out in the abdominal cavity and likes to hug your vital organs, visceral fat is associated with the development of insulin resistance and, in some cases, diabetes, Salber says.
If you can't remember the last time you weren't stressed, consider visiting your doctor or a therapist to help you manage your stress levels and get healthy. Mental health issues, including stress, are no different than physical health issues, she says. They deserve professional help.
5. You're Using Artificial Sweeteners
Artificial sweeteners, whether you stir them into your coffee, get them from diet sodas or spoon them from your yogurt container, are an easy way to cut calories and sugar in the short term, but they could harm your long-term weight-loss efforts. Case in point: Research from the University of Texas found that over the course of 9.5 years, the average two-a-day diet-soda drinker puts on five times more belly fat than do people who abstain.
That could be because your brain responds to artificial sweeteners by telling you to eat more sweet stuff, according to the Harvard School of Public Health. Meanwhile, they may also throw off the balance of healthy bacteria in the gut, Salber says.
A 2014 study from the Israel-based Weizmann Institute of Science's immunology department found a significant correlation between the consumption of artificial sweeteners, gut bacterial configuration and a tendency to develop glucose intolerance, which contributes to the development of obesity and Type 2 diabetes.
Eliminate any artificial sweeteners in your diet and replace them with sweeteners that also contain vitamins and minerals, such as honey and maple syrup. Just make sure to count their calories.
6. You Have a Medical Condition
While rare, underlying health conditions can make weight-loss difficult to achieve on your own. For instance, Cushing's disease, marked by excess cortisol levels, and polycystic ovary syndrome, a common endocrine disorder in women, can both contribute to glucose disorders, Bergman says.
Meanwhile, hypothyroidism, a condition in which the thyroid gland doesn't produce enough hormones, can also contribute to weight-management issues. About half of thyroid disorder cases in America are undiagnosed, according to the American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists.
If you aren't losing weight, but feel like you are following your body's caloric needs and are exercising between two and five hours a week, Herrington recommends talking to your doctor about your weight-loss concerns. He or she may be able to run some simple tests to make sure a health condition isn't behind your frustrations. If something is amiss, treating it will do more than help you lose weight.
Growing Concepts of Multi Unit Operators. Concepts that have grown by at least 5% (if less than 50 units).
Tampa, FL-based WORLD OF BEER (founded 2007) has increased by 32 units, from 36 to 68 (89% growth) and entered into CT, LA, MD, MI, MN, NY, TN and WA. The restaurants are family/casual, serving American cuisine. Meal periods are lunch and dinner, with a $6-$15+ per person check average. Locations serve beer and seat around 125. The restaurants are franchised and trade in AL, AZ, CO, CT, FL, GA, IL, LA, MD, MI, MN, NC, NJ, NY, OH, SC, TN, TX, VA, WA and WI.
Replay moltiplica le proposte per attirare nuovi clienti e generare traffico nei suoi negozi. Il marchio italiano di denim, guidato dal 2010 da Matteo Sinigaglia, che possiede il 51% delle quote insieme a suo fratello Massimo via Equibox Holding, ha presentato “The Stage”, il nuovo ristorante che ha aperto da poco tempo all'interno del suo flagship milanese di 1.500 m2, che si trova in Piazza Gae Aulenti, nel quartiere rinnovato di Porta Nuova.
Il manager non stacca la spina neanche in vacanza, ecco perché.
Il manager lavora anche quando sta in vacanza, questo perché il manager anche quando sta in ferie si ritrova occupato in conference call e planning del budget. Altri manager si dedicano completamente alle vacanze, altri si limitano al controllo della posta aziendale, ma il restente dei manager nonché la maggioranza dedica le proprie vacanze quasi completamente al lavoro.
La stanchezza e lo stress sempre più frequente per chi occupa lavori dirigenziali.
Negli ultimi anni sono aumentati i quadri e dirigenti colpiti da stanchezza, stress e lentezza nel lavoro. Questo perché chi occupa ruoli dirigenziali deve combattere e lavorare ogni giorno con competitività, coscienza e super perfezione. I sintomi di stanchezza per i quadri sono aumentati con la crisi economica, ciò ha fatto si che i dirigenti si trovassero sempre più spesso ad affrontare situazione lavorative in bilico.
Quello dell’uovo di Pasqua più grande del mondo è un primato tutto italiano. Il record, conquistato nella primavera del 2011, appartiene all’azienda cremonese Tosca che in occasione della Pasqua del 2011 ha realizzato all’interno del centro commerciale Le Acciaierie di Cortenuova (BG) un uovo di cioccolato alto 10 metri e 39 centimetri.
Uno studio della società immobiliare Cbre ha analizzato quali sono le mete preferite dai retailer per ampliare la loro rete. L’Italia è settima.
I timori più diffusi riguardano l’escalation dei canoni di locazione e la mancanza di spazi commerciali adeguati.
Leggi tutto: Retail, È La Germania Il Mercato Più Attrattivo
Eating among beauties and “feeding” your eyes as well: this is the philosophy behind the gourmet terraces.
The Italian daily Corriere della Sera recently ranked the 10 most panoramic Italian restaurants. They are known as “gourmet terraces” where, together with an exquisite meal, customers have the chance to admire the world-famous monuments and sights with a plane-like perspective.
Five out of ten are located in Rome. Among them, Aroma that has just received a star from the Michelin guide.
McDonald's breakfast notoriously ends at 10:30 a.m. at most locations. Now, the brand is reportedly going to start testing all-day breakfast. McDonald's already offers some breakfast items after midnight.
We reached out to an expert, Scott Hume at, to find out why McDonald's hasn't fully capitalized on the breakfast menu's popularity. Limitations in the kitchen hold the brand back, Hume told Business Insider back in 2013.
Le miasse medioevali cotte su ferri arroventati e le piadine vegane preparate con farina di canapa, la carne affumicata a legna per 8 lunghe ore e i burger cucinati sottovuoto, il fritto misto e la trippa alla romana, le sarde in saor della tradizione veneta e le panelle siciliane. Lo street food è in festival a Roma, alla Città dell’altra economia di Testaccio (fino a domani sera), con il raduno dei migliori food truck: furgoni, apetti, roulotte, vecchi camper van Volkswagen, Citroen HY del 1947, dotati di piastre, cappe, friggitrici, si trasformano in ristoranti su ruote.
Leggi tutto: Presto una app per geolocalizzare il cibo da strada gourmet
Mario Resca, Confimprese: «La West End di Londra top location per i retailer internazionali. Affitti schizzati del 42% nel 2014».
(Milano, 27 marzo 2015) – È il 2° Paese per stock di investimenti al mondo, il 3°mercato europeo per il settore retail, che cresce costantemente del 3–4% su base annua. Con queste carte il Paese di sua maestà si presenta sullo scacchiere del commercio moderno, forte della posizione dominante della sua capitale, dove si concentrano gli interessi dei maggiori retailer internazionali.
Mancano pochi giorni all’inaugurazione di Expo 2015, evento milanese di portata mondiale che durerà fino al 31 ottobre 2015. I lavori, iniziati già da più di un anno, non sono stati svolti sempre in modo esemplare ma, nonostante questo, è arrivato il momento di mettere da parte il nostro solito spirito critico e accogliere Expo con maggiore positività.
Apre i battenti, in piazzale Siena a Milano, il primo Carrefour Market Gourmet in Italia aperto ventiquattro ore su ventiquattro: una non stop di 365 giorni all'anno dove fare la spesa rappresenta una nuova e innovativa shopping experience.
Leggi tutto: A Milano il primo supermercato per "food lovers" aperto 24/24
Internazionalizzarsi può essere una strategia efficace in tempi di crisi, ma per varcare i confini occorre tenere presente che «made in Italy, buon rapporto qualità prezzo e formula testata del business sono fondamentali», dice Confimprese, l’Associazione delle imprese del commercio moderno - franchising, gdo e reti dirette.