Franchising, retail, business


Mc Donald’s, rivoluzione menù negli Usa

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I risultati in calo impongono alla società un cambiamento: maggiore freschezza e ritorno a menù più semplici. Ma fine di un’offerta standardizzata in tutto il Paese.
Ammosciata come le sue celebri chips quando non sono più calde e croccanti. Guardando agli ultimi risultati di McDonald’s è questa la prima immagine che arriva della grande corporation dell’Illinois. Un gruppo che sta lentamente – e neppur così tanto – ripiegandosi su se stesso, pur restando sempre il primo attore mondiale della categoria. Nel mese di novembre le vendite negli Usa sono scese, a parità di rete, del 4,6% negli Usa, del 2% in Europa (pesa la situazione in Russia e Ucraina) e del 4% in Asia, Medio Oriente e Africa, macroregione dove hanno pesato i ponderosi scandali cinesi sulla carne avariata. Cali di entità minore si erano visti anche a ottobre e anche nel terzo trimestre dell’anno i conti erano in peggioramento.

Leggi tutto: Mc Donald’s, rivoluzione menù negli Usa

Top 5 Industries For Middle East Employees In 2015

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Oil, gas and petrochemicals is the most favoured industry in the region, writes Suhail Masri, VP of Sales at
The World Bank’s latest regional economic update projects growth in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region to accelerate from an average of 2.6 per cent in 2013 to 4.6 per cent in 2015. With the global economy set for a rebound, 2014 seems hopeful and 2015 could be a turning point for countries in the MENA region as they will start to benefit from a recovery in services, oil production, industrial activity and exports as main contributors to this pick-up in growth.

Leggi tutto: Top 5 Industries For Middle East Employees In 2015

German Diner Wienerwald Invests Dhs10m In Dubai, To Launch Two Outlets

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The German brand, famous for its roast chicken, is opening outlets in JBR and Dubai Media City.
German-based casual dining brand Wienerwald has announced plans to launch in Dubai, with an investment of Dhs10 million.
Popular for its roasted chicken offerings, the franchised outlet of the brand is launching two stores in the emirate, with signed leases in Jumeirah Beach Residences (JBR) and Dubai Media City, a statement said.

Leggi tutto: German Diner Wienerwald Invests Dhs10m In Dubai, To Launch Two Outlets

Internet most important retail theme in 2015: Pro

Internet most important retail theme in 2015

With 2014 approaching its end, it's time to explore retail's outlook for 2015.
Gerald Storch, former chief executive of Toys R Us, said in an interview Monday with CNBC's "Fast Money: Halftime Report" that the sector will be dominated by three categories. The CEO of Storch Advisors said his top three retail themes to look out for are high-end consumer goods, value and the Internet.

Leggi tutto: Internet most important retail theme in 2015: Pro

Retail and e-commerce predictions for 2015

5 Ecommerce Predictions for 2015

As we look ahead to 2015, there’s one thing of which we can be sure; price will be the main driver of consumer loyalty, argues Mark Pearson.
Better returns policies
After pricing, the most important factor in building customer loyalty, both on and off-line, is having a returns policy that is flexible and convenient for the customer. A simple returns policy that is easy for any customer to navigate is particularly important with more expensive purchases as it reassures them that, should they change their mind about the item, they can easily return it without great loss.

Leggi tutto: Retail and e-commerce predictions for 2015

In dodici mesi hanno chiuso 1.900 aziende agricole

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L'allarme di Agrinsieme, che chiede l'intervento della nuova giunta regionale
"Chiuse 1.900 aziende agricole nell'ultimo anno: dalla zootecnia alla frutticoltura alla barbabietola, bisogna convergere su strategie di valorizzazione degli areali produttivi; governare l'offerta giocando un ruolo importante nella programmazione, organizzazione e commercializzazione; operare su modalità di differenziazione e innovazione del prodotto e andare verso una maggiore aggregazione del sistema".

Leggi tutto: In dodici mesi hanno chiuso 1.900 aziende agricole

Milan Expogate presents 5 new sustainable startups



Alimenta2Talent 2014 winners open a new era for Biotechnologies and Agriculture
Expo 2015 – the international exposition to be held in Milan in May 2015, launched the competition Alimenta2Talent for business ideas focused on sustainable agriculture and waste reduction.

Leggi tutto: Milan Expogate presents 5 new sustainable startups

Tesco may have to find £300m a year to plug pensions hole

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Retailer facing prospect of having to inject extra cash into employees’ retirement fund every year for next decade
Tesco, the embattled supermarket chain that lived through a nightmare two years, is facing additional financial pressure in 2015 when it must publish plans to plug a £3bn hole in its multibillion-pound pension scheme.
The company is confronting the prospect of injecting an extra £300m into its employees’ retirement fund every year for the next 10 years, according to independent pensions consultant John Ralfe. Meeting this heavy commitment is yet another challenge for newly appointed chief executive Dave Lewis, who is tasked with returning the UK’s leading grocery business to its former glories.

Leggi tutto: Tesco may have to find £300m a year to plug pensions hole

Top 10 housebuilders to rake in £2.1bn in 2014

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Collective pretax profits up 34% on last year while number of affordable homes built in England falls to eight-year low
Britain’s ten biggest housebuilders will see profits climb to more than £2bn this year despite the industry falling far short of local government targets on affordable homes.
While profits surge back to levels not seen since the last credit-fuelled property boom, the number of affordable homes built in England has fallen to an eight-year low.
Analysis by the Bureau of Investigative Journalism shows that the country’s biggest builders, who between them control enough land to create 480,000 homes, will make pretax profits of more than £2.1bn in 2014 – a 34% jump on last year.
The total is based on reported and projected profits for firms including Persimmon, Taylor Wimpey and Barratt, many of which have seen sales boosted by the government’s Help to Buy schemes.
The return to pre-crash profit levels comes as official figures forecast 42,710 affordable homes will be built in England in the year to April – the lowest number since 2006, and a 26% fall since 2010.
Jon Sparkes chief executive of homeless campaign group Crisis, said: “At a time when the country faces a housing crisis and with homelessness having risen significantly in recent years, we desperately need developers to provide more affordable homes.”
Steve Turner of the Home Builders Federation whose members account for 80% of houses built in England and Wales, said: “The industry was devastated in the financial crash, profits initially fell very steeply, or disappeared into losses, and many companies disappeared. Only now are profits returning to pre-crash levels allowing companies to rebuild, restructure and replace lost capacity.”
Affordability campaigners suggest part of the reason why developers have failed to achieve targets for cheaper homes is to be found in an opaque part of the planning system, known as the financial viability test. This is widely used by housebuilders to reduce, perfectly legally, the number of affordable homes to below local authority targets. More than half of affordable homes in England are built by private developers through what is known as the Section 106 system, in which tests of financial viability are key.
These assessments form the basis of negotiations with local authorities when developers want to reduce the number of low-cost homes below the local authority’s targets.
Targets typically range between 25% and 40% of the total number of homes in a scheme and are set according to local housing need. The assessment works by combining all the costs linked to a housing development, including a 20% margin for the developer but excluding the land price. These costs are then subtracted from a scheme’s projected sales revenue based on current values.
If the resulting total is not much higher than its current use value, the scheme is likely to be considered unviable by developers who will then argue the number of affordable homes required must be cut. This means assumptions on sales and costs are crucial.
The bureau’s research has found that:

• The process is shrouded in secrecy with many developers regularly refusing to disclose to the public the assessments on which their figures are based.

• Councils rarely employ external experts to scrutinise housebuilders’ figures contained in financial viability submissions.

• Sales projections used in viability assessments are frozen at the time a scheme receives planning consent preventing the council from sharing in any benefit from rising house prices.
Housing campaign groups point to 1.4m households on council waiting lists – a 34% rise since 1997 – and 85,000 children living in temporary accommodation, equivalent to more than the entire population of the Hertfordshire town of Stevenage. They argue the government now has to put pressure on builders to meet affordable housing targets.
Joanna Kennedy, chief executive of housing and welfare campaign group Z2K, said: “If Whitehall genuinely wants to tackle the housing crisis they should be supporting boroughs in challenging developers’ questionable viability assessments, instead of undermining council’s efforts to secure planning gain through section 106.”
A Department for Communities and Local Government spokesman said: “It is for local authorities to agree an appropriate level of contribution to affordable housing with developers.Our guidance is clear that changes in costs and property value should be considered in longer term developments, and councils should use appropriate methods and expertise, whether in-house or external, to determine these.”



5 idee per decorare la tavola di Capodanno

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Dopo Natale siete a corto di idee per la decorazione della tavola di Capodanno? Abbiamo raccolto qualche spunto utile, più o meno replicabile e più o meno accettabile, da quale partire per organizzare la vostra tavola per il cenone di Capodanno lasciando spazio sia ai commensali che al cibo.

Leggi tutto: 5 idee per decorare la tavola di Capodanno

La crisi delle PMI e i manager finanziati dalle banche


In questo blog si discute, purtroppo tanto, di imprese in crisi. Poco delle grandi imprese che fanno i titoli sui giornali, molto delle PMI che si dibattono nella stessa melma ma con mezzi del tutto inadeguati, che troppo spesso finiscono in tentativi maldestri di ristrutturazione del debito, coronati da un alto numero di insuccessi (lo dice la statistica). In più di un post mi sono addentrato nella ricerca di possibili soluzioni coinvolgendo in diretta le banche, perché le banche sono state devastate in questi anni dalle sofferenze, molte delle quali scaturite da crisi non viste dalle

Leggi tutto: La crisi delle PMI e i manager finanziati dalle banche

Planning applications set to transform leisure at Frenchgate


The collision of technological disruption, rapid emerging-markets growth, and widespread aging is upending long-held assumptions that underpin strategy setting, decision making, and management.
Frenchgate Partnership has submitted three planning applications for a new hotel, gym, cinema and restaurant quarter at the Doncaster centre.

Leggi tutto: Planning applications set to transform leisure at Frenchgate

Restaurant Marketing Ideas for December

Restaurant Marketing Ideas for December 2014

Many restaurant owners have been making their marketing lists and checking them twice, knowing that shoppers are hungry for special holiday dining deals and experiences. These operators realize that the holiday season is the perfect time of year to promote their restaurants.
With big days like Cyber Monday, Christmas Eve, Christmas Day and New Year’s Eve, there’s plenty to celebrate and promote.

Leggi tutto: Restaurant Marketing Ideas for December

Le marche private arretrano per la prima volta in Italia

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Per la prima volta in Italia, il comparto delle marche private frena la propria crescita, registrando un lieve calo delle vendite in supermercati e ipermercati con uno 0,1% . Questo quanto evidenziato dai dati Iri, che confrontano il trend della private label dall’agosto 2013 all’agosto 2014.

Leggi tutto: Le marche private arretrano per la prima volta in Italia

Nel 2013 gli italiani hanno lavorato fino al 7 giugno per pagare le tasseNel 2013 gli italiani hanno lavorato fino al 7 giugno per pagare le tasse


Record storico. La media registrata nell’area euro è inferiore di 9 giorni
Nel 2013 i contribuenti italiani hanno lavorato per il fisco fino al 7 giugno, vale a dire 9 giorni in più rispetto alla media registrata nei Paesi dell’area dell’euro e ben 13 se, invece, il confronto viene realizzato con la media dei 28 Paesi che compongono l’Ue. «In altre parole – sottolinea il segretario della Cgia Giuseppe Bortolussi – nel 2013 gli italiani hanno dedicato 158 giorni di lavoro per onorare le tasse, i tributi, i contributi e le imposte previste dal nostro fisco. Record storico già uguagliato nel 2012.

Leggi tutto: Nel 2013 gli italiani hanno lavorato fino al 7 giugno per pagare le tasseNel 2013 gli italiani...

Holiday Poll Busts Myth of Male Last-Minute Shopper

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He’s not as iconic as Santa Claus, but still, visions of him dance in our heads every holiday season: The harried husband/boyfriend, desperately scrambling through the mall for last-minute gifts. Men’s magazines offer seasonal guides to help ease his frantic pain, boutiques host “men’s nights” leading up to the holidays to assist in gift selection for that special someone, and headlines proclaim that procrastinating is just something “guys do.”

Leggi tutto: Holiday Poll Busts Myth of Male Last-Minute Shopper


ralph lauren to open the polo bar in new york city

Ralph Lauren is set to open The Polo Bar, his first restaurant in New York City. Opening in January 2015, The Polo Bar is located next door to the new Polo Ralph Lauren flagship store at Fifth Avenue and East 55th Street. Inspired by classic New York establishments and Ralph Lauren’s love of gathering around the table with family and friends, The Polo Bar offers a casual yet refined setting for food and drink in the heart of New York.


The Top 10 Franchises of 2015

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These 10 stars of Entrepreneur's 2015 Franchise 500 list are leading the pack when it comes to growth and success.

Leggi tutto: The Top 10 Franchises of 2015

Russian economy stalls, retail sales boom


MOSCOW, December 10. /TASS/. While the Russian economy is stalled and the exchange rate of the national currency, the ruble, is falling, Moscow and many other large cities are witnessing a real retail consumption boom.
The largest household electronics retailers report a 50% surge in demand for some commodities. At first sight, it might seem this is a typical year-end situation — a juice squeezer or blender is a nice New Year gift. What makes this pre-New Year shopping stampede so special, though, is customers are buying up mostly big-sized domestic appliances — everything that has been imported at old prices before the expected upsurge.

Leggi tutto: Russian economy stalls, retail sales boom

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Logo Store inout BrD piccoloL’idea di creare un blog giornaliero per  il mondo del retail nasce grazie ai continui feedback positivi che riceviamo dalle notizie condivise attraverso diversi canali.
Rivolto a tutte le tipologie di distribuzione presenti sul mercato: dal dettaglio ai grandi mall, dal commercio locale e nazionale alle catene di negozi internazionali, investitori, ai nostri fedeli clienti e chiunque altro è realmente interessato allo studio e all'approfondimento su ciò che guida il comportamento dei consumatori. E' anche un blog per tutti coloro i quali lavorano già nel mondo del Retail.
Verranno condivise le loro esperienze, le loro attitudini e le loro experties. Un blog di condivisione, quindi.
Ospitato sul sito della BRD Consulting, che da decenni lavora nel mondo distributivo Italiano ed Internazionale, il blog Store in & out riguarderà il business, i marchi e i comportamenti d'acquisto propri di alcune delle più grandi aziende.
Ci saranno anche notizie in lingua originale per dare evidenza dell’attenzione della nostra Azienda nei confronti del global.
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