Franchising, retail, business
From Salvatore Ferragamo’s “comfort chic” to Versace’s new cosiness, here is what comfort means for Italian labels
According to South China Morning Post, “cosy and warm was the overriding theme of Milan Men’s Fashion Week – autumn-winter 2015.
As usual, Italian designers dominated Milan’s catwalk: Prada, Missoni, Salvatore Ferragamo, Bottega Veneta and Versace emerged as the most appreciated labels.
Leggi tutto: Comfort is the new priority of Milan Men’s Fashion Week
Retailers shouldn’t stop innovating and focussing on their customers by identifying which trends are willing to follow.
These are the top retail trends for 2015:
Universal Carts
Universal carts allow customers to purchase from different online stores through the one website. Probably, mobile carts will be the next step to these carts.
I’ll be back next week with more commentary but be sure to check out the top five articles this week. Huge news regarding RadioShack is looming and there may be a wrinkle that a lot of us have expecting for some time; Amazon is reportedly exploring taking some of the RadioShack locations within better shopping centers for actual store space for providing customer service and selling services and select goods like the Amazon Kindle.
Macy’s is planning a bit of a makeover, announcing on Tuesday that it had agreed to buy the beauty and spa chain Bluemercury for $210 million, a move that could help broaden the department store’s customer base.
Based in Washington, D.C., Bluemercury operates 60 stores in 18 states and has a growing e-commerce business. Macy’s, which also owns the Bloomingdale’s chain of department stores, said it also planned to bring some Bluemercury boutiques and products to some department store locations.
Brioni, la Maison italiana di abbigliamento di lusso per l’uomo, del gruppo Kering, è tornata a Mosca per celebrare l’apertura di una nuova boutique, situata all’interno del luxury shopping mall Gimeney. Il nuovo spazio è distribuito su una superficie di 106 mq e ospita le collezioni del formale, l’elegante e leisurewear e l’universo accessori.
La società Distribuzione Lazio (formata da Coop Estense, Coop Adriatica, Coop Nord Est e Unicoop Tirreno), subentrata ad Unicoop Tirreno nella gestione dell'ipercoop all'interno del centro Comemrciale Tiburtino, per rilanciarlo lo ha ristrutturato ed ampliato di 500 mq, portandolo ad una superficie di vendita di 5.000 mq.
Leggi tutto: Riapre L'ipercoop Del Centro Commerciale Tiburtino
Egloo, un portacandele che promette di scaldare una stanza con pochi cent al giorno, ha concluso la sua raccolta su Indiegogo lo scorso 28 Gennaio, raccogliendo $150.000, 5 volte il target iniziale
Edgar Huber, CEO of the casual clothing retailer, announces he will step down in two weeks and be succeeded by Federica Marchionni
Casual clothing retailer Lands’ End Inc said chief executive Edgar Huber would step down in two weeks and be succeeded by Federica Marchionni, the US head of luxury goods retailer Dolce & Gabbana.
Leggi tutto: Lands' End CEO to be replaced by US head of Dolce & Gabbana
Topshop si ritira dal Giappone. La catena di fast fashion britannica ha abbassato con una certa fretta le serrande dei suoi negozi nel Paese del Sol Levante. Secondo quanto riportato da, il fashion retailer che ha messo piede per la prima volta in Giappone nel 2006 e che, tra le cinque sedi nipponiche, contava uno store all’interno del Laforet Harajuku, soltanto la sera del 30 gennaio avrebbe comunicato al centro commerciale di Tokyo che da febbraio il suo negozio sarebbe rimasto chiuso.
In this series, professionals share the words of wisdom that made all the difference in their lives. Follow the stories here and write your own (please include the hashtag #BestAdvice in the body of your post).
In the past two years, I have shared some of the best advice I ever received from my mum and my business mentor, Sir Freddie Laker. This year, I thought I would share a simple tip from another person who had an enormous impact upon my life – my dad.
When I grew up our house was always a hive of activity, with Mum dreaming up new entrepreneurial schemes left, right and centre, and me and my sisters running wild. You were as likely to find me helping Mum with a new project as outside climbing a tree. Amidst all the fun and chaos, Dad was always a supportive, calming influence on us all. He wasn’t quiet, but he was not often as talkative as the rest of us. It made for a wonderful balance, and we always knew we could rely on him no matter what.
Within this discreet support lay one of his best and most simple pieces of advice for me: listen more than you talk. Nobody learned anything by hearing themselves speak. Wherever I go, I try to spend as much time as possible listening to the people I meet. I am fortunate to travel widely and come across fascinating characters from all walks of life. While I am always happy to share my own experiences with them, it would be foolish if I didn’t listen back.
It is one of the reasons why I always carry a pen and notebook, not to mention an iPad, to note my thoughts. You never know what you might learn from simply listening to the people around you. Whether it is an attendant on a train, an engineer beneath a spaceship of a customer service rep at a computer, I am endlessly surprised by what new and useful information I can gather just by keeping my ears open.
I sometimes come across people in business, especially if they have been fortunate enough to have some success, that are very fond of their own voices. After saying their piece, they visibly switch off from what others are saying, offering a perfunctory nod or fiddling with their phone, rather than making eye contact and really engaging. Conversely, the most successful entrepreneurs I know all have excellent listening skills in common.
I presume those who choose not to listen must think they have already learned all there is to know. Taking my dad’s advice visually, I like to think of a circle that represents everything we could possibly learn.
What I personally know would make up a dot so minuscule it couldn’t be seen. What humanity has collectively learned so far would make up a tiny mark within the circle. Everything we all have to learn in the future would take up the rest of the space. It is a big universe, and we are all learning more about it every day. If you aren’t listening, you are missing out.
Saper affrontare le sfide e prevedere i rischi aiuta a conquistare autorevolezza e migliori opportunità di carriera.
Prendere decisioni, investire e innovare favorendo lo sviluppo e la crescita del business: una leadership femminile efficace passa attraverso tutti questi step, sviluppando nel contempo competenze e abilità per gestire eventuali criticità.
The crowdfunding equity market doubled in size last year and is now worth over £50m. The two platforms that dominate the space, Crowdcube and Seedrs, both recorded huge growth in investor and campaign numbers as an increasing number of growth-stage businesses launched campaigns. Crowdcube announced it raised £35.9m for 105 businesses during 2014, a 133% increase on the prior year.
Small and medium-sized online retail businesses in the UK are expectant of higher international sales in 2015, Royal Mail’s annual tracker survey has found. Reportedly, 65% of UK SME online retailers are aiming to increase international sales in 2015, up by nearly two thirds on a year ago when 39% said they were planning to increase overseas sales. 84% of companies surveyed said they plan to target new countries they do not currently sell to - indicative of the ever-more globalised business landscape which even the smallest firm are operating.
Goldman Sachs si attende un anno di transizione per il settore del lusso, con qualche miglioramento rispetto al 2014, ma comunque ancora sotto le stime a lungo termine di crescita anno su anno dell'8%.
Per il 2015 GS si attende una crescita organica del 5%. Cinque i temi chiave per l'anno in corso secondo gli analisti della banca d'affari. In primo luogo, scrivono in un report diffuso oggi, le condizioni macroeconomiche "sorprendentemente favorevoli per le spese del lusso", a partire dai prezzi del petrolio in calo, dalla bassa inflazione e dai tassi di interesse bassi.
Leggi tutto: Goldman Sachs: il lusso cresce del 5% nel 2015 ma sotto le attese
Le sfilate "non servono a incrementare le vendite", semmai "servono a incrementare l'immagine, a tenere in vita le maison storiche, a far dire ci siamo e sappiamo fare l'alta moda, abbiamo dei laboratori con degli artigiani stupendi, che se non corriamo ai ripari perderemo per sempre. Le vendite e il business avvengono in altri Paesi, in Oman, a Dubai, in Arabia Saudita, a Mosca, negli Stati Uniti, certamente non in Italia in questo momento".
Leggi tutto: Stefano Dominella: "L'Italia ha perso clienti, Roma torni la città dello shopping"
Earlier this month, The Economist published an interesting analysis on European small food-makers, comparing the performances of Italian, German and Spanish producers.
According to a new set of data recently released by SACE, Italy’s official export-credit agency, Italian companies are much less likely to have export customers than the German or the Spanish ones, no matter their size. Among companies with less than 50 employees, the Italian ones export less than 30 per cent of their production, while the German and the Spanish ones are closed to 50 per cent.
Leggi tutto: What does The Economist think about Italian exports
Con Identità Golose alle porte il mondo degli appassionati di eno gastronomia è in fermento, gli eventi saranno tanti e con un parterre di tutto rispetto, la manifestazione meneghina giunta ormai al suo undicesimo compleanno migliora di anno in anno ampliando l’offerta e diversificandosi sempre più.Se siete appassionati di pane, pizza e lievitati segnatevi questa data: lunedì 9 febbraio.
“Shake Shack” si quota in borsa e viene valutato 1,6 miliardi di dollari: dieci anni fa era un baracchino a New York - In Italia l’hamburger (che costa come un piatto di filetto) va alla grande. Mentre ci siamo già stufati della pasticceria fighetta (cupcake e macaron) e dell’ubiquo tortino caldo di cioccolato...
When Mitch Patel gets together with other hotel franchisees at investment conferences, they inevitably start talking in hypotheticals.
“Someone always asks, ‘If you had a vacant piece of land and could choose any hotel brand you want, what would you build?’ Unanimously, the first brand anyone talks about is Hampton,” he says. “Nothing’s even a close second. That’s how strong the brand has become.”
For Patel, building Hampton properties is no pipe dream. In the past few years his company, Vision Hospitality Group, has put up four Hampton-branded locations near its home base in Chattanooga, Tenn., and one in Schererville, Ind., with more on the way. While Vision operates 32 properties from various hotel groups, the Hampton system, Patel says, is special.
Leggi tutto: Why This Hotel Chain Is No. 1 on Entrepreneur's Franchise 500 List
McDonald's will open fewer new restaurants in Russia this year than last because a fall in the rouble has increased expansion costs and is hurting consumers, its Russian chief executive Khamzat Khasbulatov told Reuters.
The rouble, hit by a drop in oil prices and Western sanctions over Ukraine, has fallen more than 50 percent since early 2014, fuelling inflation. Russia now faces its first recession since 2009.
Leggi tutto: McDonald's is slowing its Russian expansion plan